Monday, November 30, 2009

The stink in my kitchen ...

I am thankful for the stink in my kitchen.

Stay with me, now. You'll see where I'm going. ;) A couple of weeks ago, I prepared a beautiful turkey for my family; turkey was the seasonal special at the store, and I wanted pictures to post my Beautiful Turkey Trick on Tasty Tuesday/Tempt My Tummy Tuesday. It WAS beautiful. It was delicious, and it made great Turkey Soup the day after. We still had some leftovers, so I put them in a bowl covered with plastic wrap, and planned for sandwiches.

Sandwiches? Yes, we had a few, but then we had to pack in a hurry and head to Virginia for Thanksgiving with the family. I took time to toss a couple of fossilized items in the fridge before we left, but I ignored the bowl of once-succulent turkey.

While in Virginia we spent time with my new niece, played with cousins, baked and cooked a feast, and just enjoyed time with family.

On our way home we were lured off of our route to the Christmas tree farm to cut and drag our tree under a stunning sunset.

After dark, we arrived home to find it ... the stink in my kitchen. I must admit it got more comments from my fam than the Beautiful Turkey Trick! ;) While some dragged in suitcases and trip paraphernalia, I searched for the stink source and found it ..... a "now nasty" bowl of what seemed "long ago" succulent turkey leftovers. As I cleaned up the mess and combated the stench, I thought about the irony.

Most folks I know were just days ago awaiting the feast with the turkey centerpiece, watching variations of cable shows, checking directions on the web, shopping for the best quality deal to be had. We bring out a special pan, reserve certain side dishes, watch and wait as it roasts (or fries!), and then gather around it ..... as if WE are starving Puritans on a cold, New England coast!

But even a really good thing, if ignored, starts to stink.

Let me repeat myself (as the lingering stench in my kitchen reminds me of this truth): Even a really good thing, if ignored, starts to stink.

We may have a good pattern of spending a quiet time with the Lord, of taking time to pray, and of fellowship with our church family in Sunday worship or in other formats. These are "good things." But when good things are ignored and left without attention, they rot. And they stink.

During the holidays we may be tempted to stay up late shopping or wrapping or decorating or baking. We may be swept away in festivities and friends and family. It may be easy to ignore time alone with God (remember, the One Who came as the baby?) or to omit reserving time to worship with His people. But the stench in my kitchen reminds me that if I ignore something wonderful, so I can run off and do "more stuff," without caring for the good things, then those good things will start to decay and rot and stink. Some things not to ignore in the holiday season:

  • ~ reading God's Word and praying (personally, not just in a service)
  • ~ worshiping with my local church
  • ~ serving faithfully in ministries God has given me

Do you still have turkey in your fridge? Time is passing.... :) But these practices in life are not just leftovers. Our life starts to stink if we ignore them during a season filled with many distractions. These are truly the "centerpiece" to walking with God, and I pray this season in my life and in yours will give off a sweet aroma.

4 COMMENTS ~ Click here to leave a COMMENT:

Cindy Bultema said...

Oh dear Julie, as always your words are such an encouragement and helpful reminder. I love your blog for so many reasons...always pointing me back to the Cross, your helpful/practical bullet pointed tips, your heart for the Lord and others that oozes through your writings, and your gentle way of encouraging us to pursue those things in life that really matter.
You are such a blessing! May the Lord bless YOU this week with special measures of His peace and His presence!!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Amen to Cindy's comment. She put it so very eloquently.

Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Enjoyed your pictures. I'm sure you especially enjoyed getting to meet your niece.

Julie@comehaveapeace said...

Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement, blog friends. :) I am thankful for our "virtual links."

Michelle said...

What a beautiful post, Julie.

That is such a good reminder.

This is my first visit here by way of Courtney's blog! You asked her to send you some snow! Well, we live even further north than Ohio so I might just send you a snow picture!

Would love to have you visit my new blog sometime!

Love in Christ,
