Thursday, April 9, 2009

Empty Week ~ Thursday

A day of preparation, a day of spending intimate and quiet time with His close circle of friends.

Before He entered into days that would push His humanness to limits only answered by the divine, He spent time in preparation, for Himself and for them. He knew that once He was gone, they would feel … empty, and afraid, and confused, and lost. He cared that they would be feeling fully human. That often stirs up our feelings of emptiness.

Read the account of the last supper in Matt.26:17-25 , Mark 14:12-26, Luke 22:7-30, and John 13:1-30.

Read the account of the time spent in Gethsemane in Matt. 26:30-46, Mark 14:26-42, Luke 22:39-46, and John 18:1.

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