In December I took a cue from my Scripture Dig sister, Teri Lynne, and I read through the book of Luke. I didn't stay on schedule, but I read slowly and thoughtfully. I was looking ... looking for what Jesus said to people He was with while He was on earth, and I was amazed.
I love to be productive. Love it. I've kept a planner since I was in about 13, and I'm rarely without one. I have a new green one that's all clean and crisp and ready for the days to come. Each year I prayerfully set goals, and I am so thankful for fruit that God brings. After all, doesn't the work of the Proverbs 31 woman praise her in the gates?
But while I was reading and envisioning the life of Jesus, as if lurking at the edge of the crowd or peeking over a window ledge to listen, I was impressed with God's focus for me this year. This year, He wants me to concentrate on who He wants me to BE. Be. Not do. Be. Not a new lesson, but one I need to revisit regularly. That doesn't mean I won't "do," but I'll focus on WHO I need to be.
As I traced the discoveries of people like "distracted with much serving" Martha, the widow clutching her two copper coins, and Peter who wept bitterly when Jesus turned to look at him, I was impressed that Jesus is so much more concerned about WHO I am than WHAT I do.
I'm so not like Jesus yet. I want a task list to check off, a clean kitchen at the end of the day, a complete blog post, a printed calendar of events ... finished stuff. Those things aren't bad, but they aren't worthy of my love and devotion. I'm not saying I want to do things that don't honor Jesus, contribute to the Kingdom, or depend on God's strength, but I want to DO. This year, Jesus wants me to keep my mind fixed on WHO I'm meant to BE.
My heart is full with challenge and encouragement from the Gospel of Luke as I begin this first month of the new decade. I want to invite you to come with me this month to consider WHO Jesus wants us to be. It's going to be refreshing, freeing, encouraging, and motivating. And after we are reminded WHO we're to be, I know He'll show us what to DO about it. :)
Who is God challenging you to be as this new year begins?

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