Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tasty Tuesday ... not just bread

I love to bake bread and have passed on the love to my daughter. But today for Tasty Tuesday, I'm taking a week off of "put it on your plate" kind of food, so I can encourage you with "never get hungry" kind of food. I know what Jesus says about food and God's Word, but sometimes it seems like a woman's life is a lot more hospitable to spending time dealing with food that can be cut, sauced, and garnished. We need all the help we can get to be encouraged and equipped to stay in God's Word and get the most out of our time in it. Today's truth is one I need to be reminded of:

Matthew 4:4

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

This week begins something I'm excited to be part of, and I hope you'll make it part of your summer diet. Scripture Dig kicked off yesterday by getting to know Teri Lynne, the one who is the hub of this scripture learning wheel. Today, meet Kristi as she shares why she loves God's Word. I'm up on Thursday, and you'll meet two more of our writing team on Wednesday and Friday. I know that you'll hear the heart of each woman who loves God's Word. We kick off next week with our first theme on "Bible Basics."

Summer is not a time to give in to the temptation to stuff our Bible away along with old school papers, 2009 tax records, or spring magazines. We can't live on hot dog buns, hours by the pool, family picnics, or farmer's market fare alone .... we really need God's Word this summer, so I hope you'll plan to dig in with us! It's like a new Tasty Tuesday, but for your soul. ;)

7 COMMENTS ~ Click here to leave a COMMENT:

Stephanie T. said...

I cant wait to get to Bible Basics via your Scripture Dig Blog this summer. I dont know how I stumbled across your blog, but may I just say, God was in it! Thank you for your faithfulness.

From Florida,

Julie@comehaveapeace said...

Sweet Stephanie ... I believe God is in it, too! And that gives me such great comfort and confidence. So glad you're going to dig with us. :) Love having you here....

Teri Lynne Underwood said...

What a great post, Julie! Your writing captivates me ... and I am enormously thankful you agreed to join this endeavor!!

Julie@comehaveapeace said...

You, Teri Lynne, have the gift of encouragement :) I'm so glad to be "here."

Kela said...

Oh Julie! I'm giddy with excitement for what you all have going on! I truly believe that this is an answer to one of my own prayers...for so much MORE. More of God's gloriousness in my life.
There will be no stuffing the Word away for me. Now that our school year is over for the summer, I'll be diggin' in deeper.
My heart is overflowing with praise and thankfulness for you wonderful women working for our Master and King!!

Much love,

Kristi Stephens said...

Oh - comments like Kela's about this new project just give me CHILLS! It's exciting to see how God has been working. What a privilege to be part of it! And I'm THRILLED that you're part of this project, Julie - you have so much wisdom to share and you do it in such a beautiful and gracious way.

Julie@comehaveapeace said...

I'm with you, Kristi, and Kela we are overjoyed to have you with us.Thank you for sharing your heart ... we anticipate great things. :)