Thursday, March 18, 2010

Things I didn't get to do ...

Spring is officially two days away. I will welcome it at the Whitestone Country Inn where I'll be at a day retreat with the women from West Park. My team and I are going up Friday evening to enjoy a little fellowship, spend some time praying, and do a little forward planning. It even looks like the Lord is smiling on us with warm, sunny weather for that day. THANK YOU Lord! We will give much thanks while we are having our coffee break in the outside gazebo.

Jeff and the kids have plans of their own this Saturday, as we all welcome a new season. Why is it that every season we say, "Can't believe ____ is here." :) People are funny. WE are funny. Since we know that God holds all of creation in His hand, we can be sure the next season will come right on time. Alas, I have talked about procrastinating before, but there are a few things I didn't get to do this winter that I guess I'll have to put on my "try again next year" list:

- Teach Jo to ski (Jacob got his first taste and wants more! Thanks to the inspirational Olympics)

- Go for a family sledding day at Max Patch in North Carolina

- Get snowed in for a long time (I think this may require a move north)

- Be in Virginia for one of the big snows this winter (Being snowed in is more fun together)

- Clean out my closet while I'm cooped up on a cold winter day. Maybe I'll do this on a warm, sunny spring day .... probably not. :)

- Crochet a hat (I didn't get past 1/2 pot holder, but my daughter crocheted a beautiful scarf for me, so I'll live vicariously through her ;)

- Be faithful in my winter exercising ... sigh. Absolutely no excuse here. I'll "bump" this goal to spring.

- Get our pictures from last summer printed and in an album. (Am I alone here?)

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

How about you? Is there anything you hoped to do this winter that you left out? You have one more day to fit it in!

1 COMMENTS ~ Click here to leave a COMMENT:

Laurie said...

This was one of the coldest winters we, Southerners, have ever had, so I feel all I've done is make hot tea and sip all day just to keep warm. Didn't get as much decluttering done but I definitely got in a lot more reading. I guess it was easier to drink my tea that way. :)