Today I want to start a special focus on SPRING BREAK for two reasons: 1) I am tired of gray, cloudy weather and homework, and my heart is just aching for SPRING BREAK! 2) I think it's harder than ever for students today to stay on God's path when our culture is lobbing bombs of temptation, setting subtle traps of distraction, and offering alluring sin options. For each of the next six days (Tuesday thru Sunday) I want to focus on one of Six Truths Students Need to Know. As I've been thinking and praying over them, it's funny how many of them also apply to grown ups ... you know, people who are supposed to be all mature and wise. ;)
But before I give you the "S" that begins wonderful SPRING, I have to acknowledge that it IS Tasty Tuesday and Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, and while I could skip this week, I actually have a suggestion for a way to get students (that's middle school, high school, and college) to eat .... CAULIFLOWER!
Personally, I always thought God made cauliflower to give us motivation to like broccoli, but last year my mom made it this way, and I've had a change of heart. Not only that, but my tween & teen love it! My almost 13 yr old son even asked for a triple batch for his birthday, & I am NOT making that up.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cut cauliflower into flat slabs, & lay them onto a rimmed baking sheet. When the sheet is covered, brush olive oil all over the cauliflower and sprinkle it with sea salt.
Bake the cauliflower for about 35 minutes. Carefully flip the cauliflower over (no need to re-brush) & let it bake another 10 min. You want it to be slightly brown,
but not dark. The browning pieces are prime - watch out: kids will eventually fight over the best pieces with their forks! Have first aid on hand.
Ration out the portions to those around the table, and insist they eat the other food groups too. ENJOY!
Now to the first of Six Truths Students Need to Know ... "S" is for SECURITY. Students today find our world offers very little security. More and more find their home, once giving a sense of stability and safety, is not at all steady or solid. Often, kids experience their life being shaken by factors such as undependable relationships, transient lifestyles, and changes in custody agreements. They are inundated like never before with media, bombarding them with images of shifting fads in appearance, trends in entertainment, and connections with people that are hard to trust and control. They are confused and find themselves left wondering if there is any way to feel secure.
Our kids need to hear that there IS something they can depend on, something that does not change. Kids don't need parents who will be their god, but they need parents who will point them to God. When kids are searching for some point of reference for truth, we can show them that God's truth does not change, and His nature is to be trusted. James 1:17 says that He "does not change like shifting shadows."
Among their peers they often find that acceptance is NOT unconditional, and relationships are NOT often characterized by loyalty, trust, and sacrifice. Most things in life can be lost, but the forgiveness offered by our loving Heavenly Father is not retractable: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus," Romans 8:1-2.
Thousands of young people will flood the beaches and resorts on spring break trips, and many will make disastrous decisions in their search for someone or something to make them feel secure. Before they get there and are left groping in a dark world, let's make it clear that there is SECURITY to be found in Jesus Christ ... and throw in a little cauliflower to butter them up (no kidding!) for the chat. :)
Join me again tomorrow for the "P" in SPRING. Any ideas?
12 COMMENTS ~ Click here to leave a COMMENT:
I don't buy cauliflower - until now! I almost want to go the store (taking my three young children) RIGHT NOW so I can make this for breakfast! It sounds SO good! Thanks!
Julie, when I read your blog I feel like I have been sitting down with a dear friend over a cup of coffee sharing the depths of our hearts. This post has touched me in a way I cannot fully describe. Security ... for so long I was that girl who longed to feel safe, loved, protected. Looking back, I see all the love and care I missed. I have the privilege of mentoring/guiding 4 high school girls ... and how I pray that they will learn that security is more than boyfriends and best friends ... it is about finding identity in Christ and giving Him the freedom to work in our hearts.
Okay, long, rambling, stream-of-consciousness comment is over. Thank you.
Awesome, Jul. Loved both the cauliflower recipe and the "S" for security. I will share both with my kids. Thank you and Happy Spring Break (coming soon!). Love, JLC
Great healthful recipe and I like your use of the acronym. Cauliflower is one of those superfoods that is packed with nutrition. Thanks for sharing!
Loved your thoughts on security - and that cauliflower recipe looks great!
That looks really good - I'm always looking for ways to make veggies a favorite!
I never thought I'd be a spokesperson for cauliflower, but I'm glad y'all are feeling inspired. :) I try to buy it when it's on sale, as it can be kind of pricey sometimes. My kids are actually excited when they see cauliflower on sale ... NEVER expected that either. :)
Teri Lynne, so thankful to hear that you feel that way when you visit. That's my hope and prayer... feeling like friends chatting, not just the coffee part. :)
So good! Never thought to put it in the oven!
Thank you for sharing!
Excellent post and you hit the nail on the head - security is a huge issue for teens and if they don't have it - they WILL be led astray!
Such a great post Julie! P hmmmmmmmmmm prayer? As for cauliflower, I should probably learn to like it if I'm going to try to inspire my kids to. I will give this a try :)
All four of my Littles love cauliflower. Lately our market has had purple cauliflower which is so gorgeous roasted just like you described. Talk about spring!
I'm so glad to find your blog.
Kristin @theschellcafe
Purple cauliflower would definitely qualify for spring break food! :) And yes, Jess, this could help you so you can help your kiddos ... mine were tweens and it wasn't too late. :)
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