Friday, January 16, 2009

ABCs of Morning Priorities

I was not born a morning person, though I've come to know that some people really are! That's a freak of nature to me, but scripture says so many wonderful things about the morning. I started a list this fall of memorable statements to help whisper reminders to me in the morning. It can be so hard to wake up early, to have time alone with the Lord before the day's routine begins and people and tasks rush over me and drag me away. However, I've found time and again that morning time with the Lord is always fruitful, and it never ceases to overflow through my whole day when I give Him my first moments.

I heard the very first letter, the "B", years ago when Jeff and I were in training as missionaries. Do missionaries need to be reminded of this? Absolutely. And so do pastor's wives, women's ministry directors, teachers, moms, executives, grandmothers, students, writers … everyone. I often hear the Holy Spirit whispering these ABC reminders to me in the morning. I began the longer list and shared it at a Women's Event. I was delighted when some of our women sent me their inspirations to add. I hope you will be encouraged by the list we've begun, and I'd love for you to send me your ideas for how to finish the ABCs of Morning Priorities.

No adoration, no agenda

No Bible, no breakfast

No Christ, no computer

No devotion, no duty

No exaltation, no excuses (I also loved "no exercise :-)" but THAT's an excuse for me!)
No Father, no fun
No God, no goodies

No heaven, no housework

No Immanuel, no itinerary

No Jesus, no jobs

No King, no Kindle

No Lord, no laundry

No Master, no memos

"The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22, 23

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