Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tasty Tuesday ~ Pumpkin Cobbler

Today I get to visit a 2nd grade classroom where my friend Bridgette teaches. I will be the "guest speaker." I'm not really a pumpkin expert, but I love elementary school, and I can make up songs to the tune of nursery rhymes. ;)  And I LOVE to read children's books. We're going to be reading a story about the life of a pumpkin, From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer, and the following up with:

- a sequencing activity about how a pumpkin grows
- a word problem using money
- a study of key words from the book
- an art lesson about how to draw ... a pumpkin!
- a song to the tune of the Eensy Weensy Spider ... could this be my first youtube?
- a book called Delicious! A Pumpkin Soup Story  by Helen Cooper
- and a booklet applying all the fun stuff we learn ... and an excuse to pass out pumpkin erasers

It's going to be so much fun!

So in honor of pumpkin day in 2nd day ... here's one of my favorite pumpkin desserts (and so easy to make):


1 large can of pumpkin (29 oz)
1 can evaporated milk (12 oz)
3/4 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon
2 t. vanilla
3 eggs
3/4 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. white sugar
1 box yellow cake mix
1/2 c. melted butter

Mix the first 8 ingredients together. Pour into a greased 9x13 pan. Now you have 2 options for the topping:

You can mix the cake mix with the melted butter and then "crumble" it over the pumpkin. Or ..
You can sprinkle the DRY mix over the pumpkin mix and then drizzle the melted butter over it, evenly.

The topping "style" is up to you. It's great either way. The kids in JoHanna's Journalism class liked it the dry & drizzle way, but I think I like the mix & crumble way. Bake at 350 degrees for 50-55 minutes until the top is set. Serve it with cool whip or vanilla ice cream, (I've seen cinnamon Cool Whip this year!) or just sit around the pan with friends and spoons. .... NOT recommended for 2nd grade. ;)

(Check back HERE for the pictures ... from another pumpkin season when I shared this favorite family cobbler. ENJOY!)


  1. Jul, sounds amazing! Also, the 2nd graders will LOVE you. You are so gifted :-). Love U, Jenny C.

  2. That sounds really yummy. Unfortunately, only me and 1 of our kids like pumpkin so I try to make other desserts, but this is something I will have to try!

  3. Maybe this will help convince the rest of your household. ;) Last time I served it, I had a wife come and tell me that she was shocked, but her "cobbler hating" hubby had tried it and loved it! Julie Sanders


  4. It IS really yummy and super easy. I loved them. :)
    Julie Sanders



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