Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Simple treatment = Come to Me

The week started out so well, but now it's just a blur of blowing noses and consuming cough drops. A sick husband, sick son, and sick self have made for a "survival mode" kind of week, with prayers that the one healthy family member can dodge the viral bullet. In between nose sprays and cough suppressants, my heart has been burdened over other things, things that last longer than a 10 day virus. While I laid in bed today being as productive as I could from a mound of pillows and tissues, I was refreshed by the scene of Autumn leaves blowing outside my window. The Lord called me remember:
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matt. 11:28-29
Why is it so hard to "Come to Me" when we're running on empty?
  • Shouldn't I go to the pharmacy (again)? 
  • Shouldn't I Google my symptoms? 
  • Shouldn't I use more hand sanitizer?
  • Shouldn't I spray the house with Lysol (again)?
  • Shouldn't I do something to hurry my recovery?

Maybe when I'm weary and burdened, I should just "Come to Me." After all, He is gentle and humble, and I'd love to get some rest ... physically and inwardly.

I've been reading dosages and directions, including things like "May cause dizziness" and "Take with food" and "May cause liver damage."  It can be overwhelming to try and make sure I don't end up taking a "Got the Crummies Cocktail!"  But Jesus gives a simple, straightforward promise of "If you do this thing, you'll get that."

Now this doesn't mean I can wipe my nose with the Matthew 11 page out of my Bible or that I should pour out the medicine God has provided, but it does mean I can experience rest and even peace in the midst of this temporary misery. And as I think ahead to the next 4 days, with lots of ministry scheduled throughout (appreciate your prayers), I can release my worries about how Plan B will work out (What IS Plan B?!?!?) and let HIM give me rest. He'll probably even provide a Plan B.

If tired and heavy hearted people come to Him, He will give them rest in every way. 

I'm going to take that advice with a large glass of water, reread those directions, and go to bed.

Blessings to you, friends,


  1. So sorry to hear you are sick my friend. Prayers for a speedy recovery and rest are going up for you and your family!

  2. Thank you Mary!

    Julie Sanders


  3. Sorry to hear the bug has hit your home.  Praying that you all get well soon and that you get rested up for your busy week.

  4. I completely understand.  One of the things my husband and I try to keep in the front of our minds when we get sick is that while we are down and our bodies are forcing us to rest...God can use that time to renew our spirits and slow us down a little.  I can relate to the fact that its frustrating when sickness messes up our plans.  But He does seem to always have a Plan B ready for me when I go to him.  We have been through that a lot over the last year...and the lessons we have learned from slowing down...and taking that time to rest in Him have made so much of a difference.  Thanks for sharing your heart!

    I am praying for you, Julie...and your precious family!

    Blessings, sister!

  5. Thank you Mary Joy! His Plan B is better than my Plan A. ;)
    Julie Sanders


  6. Thank you Pam!
    Julie Sanders



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