Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting really personal ... Psalm 1

Does getting "really personal" make you uncomfortable? Are you ever afraid you might feel convicted and even have to change because of it? Sometimes I'd rather not ask the really hard questions, instead of facing what it may mean.

If you've been with me this week, you know we've starting to spend a season in Psalms, and that began with Psalm 1. Yesterday we used Psalm 1 to ask the Lord specific questions about how it applies to our own lives. Today, I want to go layer deeper. This is really for me ;) but I invite you to read what I've been thinking.

You might take this Psalm and make it "all about you," and that's okay today! It might be about applying it as a parent, as a single, as an unemployed person, as a person facing a trial, as a person in full time ministry, as a family member, or like mine ... as a wife. I encourage you to take this Psalm and make it yours; after all, God gave it to US to make Himself known and change our lives!

Read Psalm 1 below or here. (My responses are in red.)

Psalm 1 from a wife's heart

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, Lord, do I take advice about my marriage and my role as a wife from people/sources who don't fear You?

nor stands in the way of sinners,  Do I identify with people who make light of what You have created - marriage?

nor sits in the seat of scoffers;  Show me, Lord, if I have become sarcastic or negative toward my husband.

but his delight is in the law of the LORD,  Am I appreciating and respecting what You call me to do as a wife through Your word?

and on his law he meditates day and night.  Am I calling to mind what pleases You and words of scripture to guide me as I respond to my husband verbally, serve him, care for our home, and relate to him intimately?

He is like a tree planted by streams of water  Lord, with the demands of my married life, how am I doing staying in Your word, instead of making excuses and getting distracted?

that yields its fruit in its season, Do You, Lord, consider me fruitful in my marriage, whatever the circumstances?

and its leaf does not wither.Help me see if I have a tendency to wither when things in my marriage relationship are hard or I have needs that feel unmet or delayed.

In all that he does, he prospers.  Father, am I prospering as a wife and helping my husband prosper?

The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Am I living as a strong woman, so I stand firm in hardship and help my husband and home weather the hard times?

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,  Am I helping my husband be the godliest man he can be, or am I an obstacle to his growth and preparation to meet You one day?

nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;  Lord, show me how to be more like You, to encourage my husband to be more like You, and to have  home together that looks like we honor You. 

for the LORD knows the way of the righteous,  I need you to remind me in the kitchen, in the car, in the laundry room, in the bedroom, at the family reunion, on email, on Facebook ... that You know all of my ways; nothing is hidden from You. Create in me a clean heart, so I can be a wife who honors You.

but the way of the wicked will perish.  Am I so in love with things of this world/my house/my home that I make it hard for me and my husband to love eternal things and invest ourselves there? Help me to free my husband from worldly expectations and lift him up to love you most. 

How would you write responsively to Psalm 1 to "make it your own?"

1 comment:

  1. Jul, I love this. Thank you for such a practical example - it blessed me! love, Jenny


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