Thursday, July 7, 2011

Psalm 1 ~ I have to ask ...

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Since we're lingering at the entrance to Psalms for a few days, I want to encourage you to stop by Scripture Dig today, where I'm writing about what it looks like to be "streamside" 24/7.  Is it very realistic in today's world? Find out....
  • How do I avoid standing/walking/sitting with the wrong crowd?
  • How do I meditate 24/7?
  • How do I stay by the stream?
Read more here....

But on Come Have a Peace today, I just want to pause and use Psalm 1 to ask some personal questions of myself. Maybe you'll ask the same questions for your own self today.

Read Psalm 1 below or here. (My response questions are in red.)

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,  Lord, do I do life with the advice of people who don't fear You?

nor stands in the way of sinners, Do I position myself in the lifestyle of those who reject you?

nor sits in the seat of scoffers; Do I get comfortable and make my life with and in a place of those who mock You with their morals and beliefs?

but his delight is in the law of the LORD, Show me, Lord, do I really enjoy and desire more of Your word?
and on his law he meditates day and night. Do words of Your truth come to mind often throughout the circumstances of my day ... and night?
JoHanna ... spending time "streamside"

He is like a tree planted by streams of water Am I positioned for and practicing a constant supply of words from the Bible and power from Your Spirit?

that yields its fruit in its season, Am I really bearing fruit that benefits others and glorifies You?

and its leaf does not wither. Do I have a tendency to stop drinking and dry up? How dry is my soul?

In all that he does, he prospers. Can I say that my whole life is intent on being a fruit producer that blesses others?

The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Am I useless or irritating in the Kingdom? Am I easily blown off of Your course and into the world?

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, How ready am I to "stand" in hardships now, and am I prepared to meet You one day?

nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; Can I say with confidence that I am counted as "righteous" in Your eyes, because Jesus has forgiven me and claimed my life?

for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, I know You are fully aware of all my "ways," and I ask You to search me and know me and steer me towards righteousness.

but the way of the wicked will perish. I want to live abundant life now, with the hope of eternal life with You! Help me to be the life tree and really LIVE!

 Tomorrow ... one final day to soak up Psalm 1 together. Time in the "gateway" has been good, and I hope you, like me, have seen new and wonderful things as we've lingered there together.


  1. I come by to visit you via one of our blogging buddies at I enjoyed browsing your blog and reading your great post.. We would like to invite you to stop by and visit us when you have a moment. Have a blessed day, and hope to see you soon.. God Bless you and yours..

  2. I'm so glad you've been browsing and visiting here at my blog home. :) I'll look forward to coming by!

    Julie Sanders

  3. I am new to your page and am enjoying it so much! I go to cornerstone church..I am dedicated, I want to be depleted and I am determined to empty myself out of all the me stuff..The me stuff weights me down and keeps me from filling up with HIm..If I am so focused on me how can  I get more of Him..I am listening to the sweet but stern voice of the Lord telling me I must decrease in order to increase...As I am on this journey to decrease I find myself becoming lighter and lighter..Your sister in Christ.. Cathy

  4. Cathy, welcome!  So very glad to have you here as you're on your journey with the Lord. I hope you'll be encouraged and inspired in your sweet walk with Him!

    Julie Sanders


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