Monday, July 11, 2011

Marriage Mondays ~ Halley's Comet

I have a brother in law who sees something totally different when he looks up into the night sky than when I do. When I look up, I'm amazed by "all of it," but when my BIL looks up, he recognizes shapes and knows their names and what they're made of. He probably already has August 13th on his calendar ... the date of the next Perseids Meteor Shower (See a calendar here). If you want to see "shooting stars," you have to wait until conditions are right, go to the best location, get the time right, hope you pick the best position, and then wait patiently in hopes that it all comes together. 

Married couples often think of sex in the same way they think of a meteor shower ... wait until conditions are right, go to the best location, get the time right, hope you pick the best position, and then wait patiently in hopes that it all comes together.

God doesn't want us to wait for that:
The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife. Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control. (1 Cor. 7:4-5) NLT

Sexual intimacy wasn't meant to be the result of having everything "under control" and "feeling right" about all the details, so we're assured of success. Our world would have us think so. We've bought into lies that we have to be the right weight, the right muscle tone, wear the right "thing," smell the right way, think the right thoughts, etc in order for sex to be "right" too. We don't want to be tired or distracted. We want the atmosphere to be right (Afterall, isn't it all so perfect on reality shows??), with the right lighting, nice sheets, sound asleep children, tempur-pedic mattress, or something worthy of a spot on "The Bachelor - 5 Years Later." ;)  Are you waiting for everything to be perfect before you pursue or enjoy sex with your mate?

The truth is ... there's rarely, if ever, going to be a time when "it all comes together" just right and you catch a glimpse of a meteor shower.
  • That shouldn't keep us from looking up often and enjoying the stars! 
  • If we gaze up at the night sky often, we're more likely to be the ones who will catch a glimpse of the most beautiful comets.

Halley's Comet is the only short-period comet that can be seen by the "naked eye" from earth; it only comes around every 76 years. Maybe you saw it in 1986.  It won't be back until 2061.  That's a long time.

But don't let that stop you. It would be foolish to wait for the perfect conditions to align. Go out and enjoy the night sky and the stars and the planets NOW! What are you waiting for !?!?!?

I know you'll be glad you didn't wait for Halley. ;)

(PS - I have no more internet access for the rest of the day ... I would love it if you would share this post with a friend by email, Twitter, or Facebook for me! Wondering where I am ... maybe I'm star gazing. ;) )

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