Thursday, March 1, 2012

7 Days in a Cafe ~ Day 7: Not alone

When I reached the intersection it was almost like I was forced to come this way, instead of to the café I started out coming to. But I’m here. And as soon as I entered where it says exit, I knew why. I saw her through my rain covered windshield: the lady with the pony tails. Here. Miles from where I saw her at the last Day in a Café. Standing there with her cart, next to the bus stop. I knew I had to talk to her. I had to offer to take her … somewhere. I knew Jeff would say, “You did what?” when I told him. But it isn’t an option to ignore divine collisions.

 I parked, moved the stuff in my front seat, and zipped up my bag. I splashed through puddles to the sidewalk. As I came around a white Lexus, she caught my eye and looked nervous. I wanted to tell her I’ve seen her from the window of other cafes, that we’ve passed on sunny days, and that she smiled back at me once. But it was raining, and we were miles from our last smile spot. I asked her if I could give her a ride somewhere, and she stepped back. I noticed that her pony tails were tied with muslin cut with pinking shears. I’ve used pinked shears to make crafts. She toted two plain plastic bags in her cart, each tied tight in a knot. From under her coat I saw her red and black plaid skirt hang to her ankles. Up close, she looks so much older.

“It’s okay,” I told her. “I can take you where you need to go, since it’s raining.”
“No, I want to be alone.”

Really? I wanted to say, “Do you really? When you smiled on the sunny sidewalk, you didn’t look like you really wanted to be alone. Now you just look scared.”

Do we want to be left alone, or do we want to know God is with us? Does she know that a shepherd once asked, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will lay hold of me” (Psalm 139:7-10). The lady with the pony tails really can’t be alone. God is there, but does she know?

I withdrew to the coffee shop, so crowded that the chairs were all taken. A looking man saw that I didn’t have pony tails or a red plaid skirt; he smiled and said he’d be leaving in a minute, and I could have his leather chair in the corner. While I stood in line for coffee, I noticed that the lady seated nearest to me had a bag, too. But hers has dry, brown handles, and it says, “Starbucks.”

When I sat down, I looked out at the bus stop. The lady with the pony tails was getting on the bus to ride to … where? Maybe she’d just ride all day. She wouldn’t be alone then. But she wasn’t alone standing there either. When the bus left and the rain tapered off, a man with a cell phone and crowded key ring stood by his Lexus and talked. He looked like he thought he was alone.

I’m starting to think “7 Days in a Café” isn’t just a fun idea. I’m starting to think it’s a God appointed thing for me. I hope it might be for you too. I’m wondering what I’m supposed to do with it now that the 7th café day has come and gone. I’m wondering who I’ll see at the next café. I’m wondering what else God will show me about people. I’m a little nervous and a little excited. Most of all, I’m glad I’m not alone. 

Other posts from 7 Days in a Cafe ~
Intro - How it all started
Day 1 - People want to be known   (Known)
Day 2 - People want to be together  (Finding People)
Day 3 - People want to be affirmed  (Athena)
Day 4 - People want to be comforted  (Mac n'Cheese)
Day 5 - People want to see good things  (Watered down)
Day 6 - People want to find compassion  (People of the world)


  1. Hi Julie...I have enjoyed 7 Days in a Cafe!  People are really interesting to watch...and to eve's drop on..tee hee.  I think you have learned some things during this quest.  You have shared things with us and got us to thinking too.  I want to be more aware of my surroundings...more in tune with what God might be saying to me...and where He is leading me.  I always pray for God to make me a blessing to someone today!  I think I was sad when the lady wouldn't let you give her a ride.  But then as you said...maybe she didn't really have a destination...maybe she just rides the bus to have a place" to be". ????  You tried to help...and sometimes that is all God wants from us...willing hearts.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  2. Thanks for sharing Linda and for coming with me on my 7 Days in a Cafe. The Lord has used people to re-open my eyes in a fresh way. I was sad when the lady wouldn't let me give her a ride, too, but maybe you're right that the opportunity was meant to see if I would do what God pricked my heart to do. Let's keep praying for God to make us a blessing! Julie Sanders

    From: Disqus <>
    Sent: Saturday, March 3, 2012 5:06 PM
    Subject: [comehaveapeace] Re: Come Have a Peace

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  3. Beautiful post....Being aware and treating eachother with loving kindness is what God is calling us to do.

  4. Stopping by from Write it, Girl and have to say I love the recognition of different types of alone...I have been surrounded when I felt most lonely...and all by myself when I felt most loved. It can be hard to remember we are never alone, thank you for the reminder.

  5. It's so easy to miss people, but yes, He IS calling us to loving kindness. Julie Sanders

    From: Disqus <>
    Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:46 AM
    Subject: [comehaveapeace] Re: Come Have a Peace

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  6. "It isn't an option to ignore divine collisions."  that is some powerful stuff!  Coming over from Write It, Girl and so glad I did!

  7. What a great assignment -- I usually write when I'm completely alone. It must be a stretching experiment. Thank you so much for this post. I find it interesting that even though the well-intended offering of assistance wasn't received, that you consider her as a round character, a full person instead of a broken-minded bus rider who might love a handout. We are all alone and not alone, I think. Perhaps this is one of the effects of being fallen-- we were intended for communion with our creator and sin has distorted that.... Very thoughtful.

  8. Yes, it has stretched me to write and think differently. You're so right that, though we're intended for communion, it's been distorted. We still long for the sweetness of being in fellowship! Julie Sanders

    From: Disqus <>
    Sent: Friday, March 9, 2012 11:56 AM
    Subject: [comehaveapeace] Re: Come Have a Peace

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