Sunday, December 18, 2011

Is your guest room open?

Even while Jesus was eating His first earthly meal at Mary's breast, a more significant meal was being prepared. The infant would grow to be a boy; the boy would grow to manhood, and the man would send two of His disciples to literally "Prepare Him Room." A room to celebrate the Passover meal with his followers. A meal to prepare for His arrest and trial and death and resurrection. He came for this meal. 

The story in Luke 22 recalls the account for us, how Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare the Passover for us" (Lk. 22:8). It had to be at a house within the walls of Jerusalem, and the two men would know the place by finding a servant carrying a jar of water - uncommon, as it was usually a woman's job. They were to follow the man and tell his Master that the Teacher needed a room to celebrate Passover. As heard the simple question, "Where is the guest room?" the Master of the house would have a choice whether or not to allow his large, furnished, upper room to be used for the lightning rod Teacher from Nazareth and his followers. We don't know if it was prearranged or divinely moved, but the Master made room for Jesus. 

From the first night when his parents asked the innkeeper to make room, to the final Passover meal when the Master of the house was asked to make room, Jesus sought those willing to Prepare Him Room. Hear Him now as His Word still speaks His invitation to us: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me" (Rev. 3:20). 

Jesus still knocks and ask if there's room, but He knocks at the door of individual hearts. Is there something in the place of Jesus that keeps you from welcoming His presence in your life? There may be other things in the way that need to be moved, but the truth is that there IS room for Jesus. 

The Master of the household made room, and Jesus came in to dine. We can make room and invite Him in too. 
Yesterday I gave you an illustrated reminder to Come, Sit, Make Room. Today I want to give you another printable, visual message to display that speaks the truth: "There is room for Jesus"   Print, share, and make room! I hope you'll be encouraged as you prepare your heart for celebrating the coming of Immanuel. (Via email, be sure to click the post title to see & download the illustration.)
There is Room for Jesus


  1. Thank you Julie for reminding us to make room for Jesus in this busy, hectic Christmas season. Merry Christmas my sweet friend.

  2. You're so welcome Mary, and merry Christmas to you friend!

    Julie Sanders

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    Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 8:01 AM
    Subject: [comehaveapeace] Re: Come Have a Peace

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