Saturday, December 17, 2011

Come. Sit. Make Room.

During Jesus' time on earth, He often visited the home of friends in the town of Bethany. It's I want to say that Martha gets a bad rap, that she's misunderstood ... probably because I'm such a Martha. Jesus spent time in "her house," so it's not hard to see why the girl was busy. If I would've been living in 1st century Bethany, I'm sure Martha and I would've shared pins on Pinterest and helped each other with monthly freezer meals and door decor. After all, Jesus was a frequent visitor, and a homemaker's got to be prepared!

But still, Jesus said Martha's younger sister Mary chose, "the good portion, which will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:38-42).  Then, as now, there was always tasks to finish, shopping to do, recipes to perfect, and guests to serve, but Mary sat down at the feet of Jesus and listened to Him. 
  • Mary's heart was captivated by Jesus. 
  • Martha was "distracted with much serving;" her heart was captivated by busyness. 
It's not easy to Prepare Him Room at one of the busiest times of year. If we try, the Enemy whispers to us about all that's to be done, all we didn't do, all the other things that wait to be attended to. But making room for Jesus is the "good portion, which will not be taken away" from us. 

As a help for you this weekend, while you're fighting the urgent, juggling the demands, and deciding what to prioritize, I want to give you a beautiful reminder of the invitation Jesus gives us every day. Even at Christmas. Especially at Christmas. 

Come. Sit. Make room. 

If you receive this post via email, be sure to click the post title and come to the main blog where you can see the illustration. I invite you to print it out, hang it in plain sight, and be reminded to make room. Maybe a friend in your life would be encouraged to receive a copy, along with "permission" to come, sit, and make room for Immanuel. And if you like it, share it on Pinterest. ;) I'm pretty sure Martha won't. 
Come Sit Make Room ~ Christmas Inspiration


  1. Thank you for the new desktop background!  =)     I can't wait until I'm asked what it's about.... great reminder and very pretty.

  2. What an awesome way to use it! I'm so glad. :)
    Julie Sanders

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