Thursday, September 15, 2011

Full of Sap ~ Psalm 92

Do you wonder what you'll be like when you're old? My mom and dad are coming for a way-too-quick visit tonight, and when I'm with my mom, I realize I'm becoming more like her the older I get. You would love my mom; I don't mind growing more like her at all.

In a Song for the Sabbath (Psalm 92) we're given a glimpse into what we should be like as we age. There's nothing about Botox or wrinkles or hair dye, and I'm still pondering what it means to be "full of sap." ;)

The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God.
They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green,
to declare that the LORD is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.  
Psalm 92: 12-15

In a world that does everything we can to slow the aging process and cover up its possession of us, I love God's alternative. It makes me pray:

I want to grow righteous as I grow old, to be strong of character and walk a straight path that points to You. Help me to be well connected to Your people in Your church and to stay that way, despite my health or my circumstances. I want to flourish as I spend time knowing and worshiping You. Guide me into my older years, so I won't wither, but will bear much fruit instead. Show me what it means to be "full of sap," Lord! It sounds exciting. You ARE upright. You ARE my rock. You ARE totally holy. As my mouth gets wrinkled and my voice grows smaller, help me use them to declare how great You are ... sabbath or not.


  1. Matthew Henery's Commentary on the Whole Bible~~~Psalms 92 (just a piece of his writing)
    The trees of righteousness do not grow of themselves; they are planted, not in common soil, but in paradise, in the house of the Lord. Trees are not usually planted in a house; but God's trees are said to be planted in his house because it is from his grace, by his word and Spirit, that they receive all the sap and virtue that keep them alive and make them fruitful. They fix themselves to holy ordinances, take root in them, abide by them, put themselves under the divine protection, and bring forth all their fruits to God's honour and glory.

  2. What a beautiful description, Peggy. We can definitely say that all of the "sap and virtue" we experience in life come from God and by His grace. He's so good to allow us to be fruitful as we abide. Thanks for sharing.
    Julie Sanders



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