Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Do you know Moses wrote a Psalm?

When he was just a baby, his life was spared, while other infants were slaughtered. He remembered violent days when blood was spilled and families cried out in grief. He would've seen bodies washed away in raging waters and friends age and die in the desert. He would've witnessed how God's wrath brought lives to an end more than once, up close and personal. Most of all, he knew that having a wise heart meant understanding the brevity of life and the love of God. 

When Moses wrote Psalm 90, he knew what he was talking about. He has been in God's very presence, guided His people for more than 40 years in a desert, and followed God's cloud by day and fire by night. With his own family members, he would've gathered manna, finding first hand that the God who is from everlasting to everlasting also satisfies man in the morning with His love. For each day of the forty plus years he led the grumbling Israelites in the wilderness, he must've been painfully aware that to God, a thousand years is like a night or a yesterday to God. 

Read Psalm 90 in a new way, keeping in mind the journey of the man who wrote it. 

From a basket to a palace to a burning bush to an exposed sea bed to a dry wilderness, Moses knew God alone was his dwelling place and would be the dwelling place of all generations. It takes a journey to help us understand that in our deepest places. After all that journey, Moses asked:

"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90: 12

To have a wise heart, we must understand the brevity of life and the love of God.  

Do you want a wise heart? What does your journey make you ask of God? 

Finish my prayer for you in your journey:

From a ____________ to a ___________ to a ____________ to a _____________ to a __________, ____________ (your name)   learned You alone are her dwelling place and the dwelling place of all generations.   So teach her to number her days, that she may get a heart of wisdom.

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