Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tasty Tuesday ... Favorite Granola

Continuing the "What's for breakfast" theme of August and the "Back-to-School" weeks, I want to share my recipe today for our Favorite Granola. It's a hearty breakfast that really "stays with you." This recipe is based on one first given to me by a missionary friend while we lived in Asia. Homemade cereal was really a treat then. It's loaded with fiber, protein, and great taste. You can vary the nuts and fruit to your liking.

In honor this week of Birthday giveaways, today's giveaway will be a gift of homemade Favorite Granola from my kitchen, along with a package of really cute recipe cards. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day, and I want you to get off to a great start! :)

To enter today, leave a comment at the end of this post OR on the Come Have a Peace Facebook page, telling me what your "standard breakfast food" is.

Yesterday's winner of the Starbucks card and book by Sharon Jaynes is Katie! She was chosen by Random.org, and I'm so happy to pass on Sharon's book to her, as Katie is engaged to be married in the spring. Woohoo!

Recipe for Favorite Granola (Via email, click the top title to see the page w/photos)
4 c old fashioned oatmeal
1/2 c either wheat germ OR oat bran (I used oat bran.)
1/2 c nuts (slivered almonds or chopped walnuts, pecans, or cashews)
1/2 c sesame seeds
1 t. salt
1 1/2 t. cinnamon
1/2 c smooth peanut butter
1/4 c brown suger
1/3 c honey
1/3 c water
1 t. vanilla
1/2 c dried fruit (I used blueberry craisins, but use whatever you have/like)
1 c flaked coconut (I toasted mine about 10 minutes before adding)

  • Mix dry ingredients well (excluding sugar and dried fruit).

  • In a microwavable bowl heat: PB, honey, water, brown sugar until sugar dissolves.
  • Add vanilla to liquid.
  • Pour over dry ingredients; mix well.

  • Spoon into a greased 13x9 baking dish or roasting pan.

  • Bake at 275 degrees for 1 hour; stir every 20 minutes.

  • Cool and then stir in the toasted coconut and dried fruit.
  • Store in a sealed container; I like to store mine in the fridge.
  • This makes about 9 cups.
This will give you energy to do your work is for the day. And speaking of work for the day ... I'm loving this song by Steven Curtis Chapman. I think it just may be my "theme song" for this next year of my life!   Blessings!

(If you get this post via email and want to see this really encouraging video,   click on the title "Tasty Tuesday ... Favorite Granola" and then scroll down past all of the photos of granola making. :) )


  1. Loved the video!  I can just see you bee-bopping down the road with the kids in tow and all of you singing to this song on the way to school!

  2. I just want to tell you that I have really been enjoying your breakfast recipes this month!  We always (every single morning) have eggs, bacon and toast....but I have been looking for recipes/ideas to mix it up!  So far, I have tried my hand at your bacon swiss muffins and breakfast enchiladas and they have been a big hit with the family!  This looks like a great recipe too, so I will make it next on my list!  Thanks!

  3. Jul, I love, love, love the song and video - I think I need to blast it every morning when we get up (maybe while eating breakfast!).  For me I usually eat oatmeal and peanut butter or an egg with cheese and canadian bacon on top.  The kids do this and that - one is not much of a breakfast food kind of guy so he's a toughy sometimes.  School starts next Monday so we better figure it out soon!  Have a blest day-before-your-birthday :-)  I sure hope I win your giveaway - anything you make is always delish!  Love and blessings, Jenny

  4. Sadly my standard breakfast is peanut butter crackers or a rice krispy treat :-(

  5.  If I don't have time to eat at home (usually something with eggs), I grab a dark chocolate/nut Ozone bar and a bottled water.

  6. Anything with dark chocolate sounds good, and the nuts qualify as protein! Haven't heard of an Ozone bar ... where do you get it?

    Julie Sanders


  7. I'll make you granola just because. :) Canadian bacon always makes me feel like I gave myself something healthy!

    Julie Sanders


  8. I would love to have breakfast with your fam. :) The girls would really enjoy making the granola. Easy and fun to make. Love you guys!

    Julie Sanders


  9. Pam ... are you saying I'm a reckless driver? :) Or are you saying you've really seen me? Could definitely be true!

    Julie Sanders


  10. I'm glad your selection of a winner is random and not based on what we eat in the morning. It varies - cereal, biscuits, muffins, and (gasp!) Pop-tarts. Maybe we will be more healthy with YOUR help!

    We have been enjoying the latest Steven Curtis Chapman song lately. We had not seen the video, though, until you posted it. How cute! Thanks. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK!!

  11. I eat whole oats every morning with raisins, cinnamon and I use almond milk. It is so good and filling. I too enjoyed the video and plan to send the post to my daughter & daughter in laws. Blessings, Karen

  12. Standard breakfast is oatmeal!!

  13. I think my grandma ate that for more than 90 years of her life .... says a lot. :)

    Julie Sanders


  14. So glad you enjoyed it! I'm hearing "oatmeal" as a favorite for many. Especially now, it's economical, but it's such great fiber and really lasts through the morning. We used to buy almond milk but haven't in a while. What a good combo!
    Julie Sanders


  15. Thank you :) And an occasional pop-tart won't ruin you. I might even put pop-tarts on the breakfast list. :)
    Julie Sanders


  16. my standard breakfast is a bag of  dried cereal or a yogurt

  17. A smoothie with spinach and all kinds of nutritional goodies in  it

  18. Oh, Tina - you get the award for the MOST nutritious suggestion yet! :) You go girl!
    Julie Sanders


  19. Sounds delicious!  Homemade granola is a favorite at our house too!  I like your recipe.  Sounds yummy!  We may have to try it sometime.  Let's see...breakfast...my favorite would have to be scrambled eggs loaded with veggies like onions, green peppers, zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes...all the good stuff!  And sometimes a little bit of turkey too.  Lots of protein, lots of veggies...lots of energy! :D  Happy birthday, lady!!!

  20. That sounds "Saturday morning worthy!" :)

    Julie Sanders


  21. Definitely a smoothie.


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