Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bday week - Psalm 19 & a Giveaway

Today the Birthday Week fun continues! KarenHL is the winner of yesterday's giveaway, so Karen, just email me your info, and I'll get that in the mail to you!

The giveaway for today is a copy of Lisa Whelchel's book Friendship for Grownups.  It was one of my summer reads, and it's an excellent book about the friendships of women. I watched Lisa, along with many of you, as Blair on Facts of Life ... when I was celebrating much smaller birthdays. ;) God has given me sweet friendships through the years, so this is the giveaway for my actual birthday. :) I have loved the new friendships blogging has given me. What joy!!!    Everyone who has "liked" Come Have a Peace on Facebook by midnight (There's still time to go "like" it!) will be entered in this giveaway, and I'll announce the winner on the CHP Facebook page tomorrow. 

I was reminded yesterday of how fleeting life is ... hospice was called in to help in my Grandpa's final days, Jeff's uncle passed away after battling cancer, and the East Coast earthquake shook my family members around the DC area. Another day is never guaranteed; I am thankful for life.

I love Psalm 19 and was reading it this summer while enjoying God's creation. In 14 verses, David describes how the heavens, sky, day, night, and sun all declare, proclaim, pour out, and reveal God's greatness. Paul refers to it in Rom. 10:18-19 to tell how the world reveals God to man. God is called our "rock" and "redeemer." 

Creation says so much about God, but His Word is described in Psalm 19 as "perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true, better than gold, sweet, warning, and promising." His Word revives my soul, makes me wise, rejoices my heart, enlightens my understanding, helps me endures, and teaches me righteousness.

  • Creation shows all the world who God is.
  • God's law shows all the world how to follow Him.

David wraps us the worship song with the only right response: a desire to be clean and free of sin's control. When we see creation and hear God's word, we should long to be accepted by our Rock.

This is my birthday prayer. Will you pray it with me?
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer." (v.14)  Amen.


  1. I will pray it with you!  Happy, happy birthday my friend!  I hope it is a wonderful one!  This book sounds interesting.  I love her other ones.  Not sure how I enter...but would be interested.  Hope you have a very, very special day.


  2. Happy Birthday Julie! I will be praying for you and Jeff as you mourn the loss of his Uncle and as you go through these days of hospice with your Grandpa. Have a blessed day my friend. ~Mary

  3. Happy BIRTHDAY sweet lady!  Praying GOD will continue to use you in MIGHTY ways....thanks for being a willing vessel!! :)


  4. I think I answered you over on the FB page ... I'll have choose out of the "Like" list at the end. :) Thank you so much Mary Joy!

    Julie Sanders


  5. Thank you so much MaryAnn! I appreciate your encouragement and prayer. :)
    Julie Sanders



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