Thursday, August 4, 2011

A song ... so we'll remember

Yesterday we reflected on how David's past prompted him to write a song to dedicate the temple in the future, after he was gone from this world. I also think I may've suggested that King David was the first to do ZUMBA. ;)

We are so forgetful. It's harder than ever today to keep facts in mind, because we're inundated with information. We don't have time to absorb content or even "mentally file it away" before we're hit with new facts and ideas. A song is a great way to help us remember vital truths. The nation of Israel used songs to mentally (and in their hearts) hang on to their history, and it still works for us today.

Psalm 136 repeats one line over and over, 26 times, once every verse:  "... for his steadfast love endures forever." His steadfast love is His covenant love, His love that is pledged to us, love that cannot be undone, love that always follows through, love that lasts forever.

The point is that because of who He is, what He's done, and how He cares for me, God deserves my thanks and praise for His steadfast love.  It can be gut-wrenching-hard to remember this when we're in the midst of mess or pain or angst,  but those are the times we need to remember God the most.

The song begins with a truly beautiful section about our Creator God: 
1Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
2Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever.
3Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever; 4to him who alone does great wonders, for his steadfast love endures forever;
5to him who by understanding made the heavens, for his steadfast love endures forever;
6to him who spread out the earth above the waters, for his steadfast love endures forever;
7to him who made the great lights, for his steadfast love endures forever;
8the sun to rule over the day, for his steadfast love endures forever;
9the moon and stars to rule over the night, for his steadfast love endures forever;

The  rest of the Psalm is the part that helps God's people remember ... all He's done in the past to intervene, to provide, to exercise that steadfast love. It's so good to remember. Maybe you'll want to do some remembering with me today by personalizing the "remembering parts" ...
  • God's character to me is ...........
  • God's creation of me is .............
  • My Egypt was (set free from being a slave) ..........
  • My Promised Land (God's blessings to me) ...........
  • God's continuing care for me now is ..........
  • I want to thank Him for ...........

Because of who He is, what He's done, and how He cares for me, God deserves my thanks and praise for His steadfast love. 

His steadfast love endures forever!

Now in case you're like me (and King David) and songs help you remember, let me give you this song as a gift, sung by a church choir in Nigeria. Nigeria is not in the horn of Africa, but on the continent of Africa. Maybe it will also remind our hearts of needs in Africa right now and of SOS this weekend and our chance to help display the steadfast love of the Lord. I'll warn you, the picture quality is not great, but I think you'll agree that the quality of the voices is ... heavenly.  (If you receive this via email, click on the post title so you can enjoy the video. You'll be so glad you did.)

(Based on Lamentations 3:21-23)

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