Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Insomnia, Dust, Old Clothes and Zumba

Have you ever done Zumba? This girl has no dancing aptitude, so when friends talk about going to Zumba, I fade into the shadows. Psalm writer David had his moment of public praise dancing, and not everyone received it well. His heart wasn't always full of praise.That's how he knows how to hit us right where we're livin' life, right in between insomnia, dust, old clothes, and Zumba. Find it in Psalm 30.

David really wanted to be the one to build God's temple, but God only let him prepare for it; David's son Solomon was tasked as the builder. Before David died, he penned Psalm 30 to be sung after his death, at the dedication of the temple. It's a song describing David's personal ups n' downs, challenging worshipers to follow him in praise. To do that, David gets raw and real with us.

God takes our pride and our problems and deals with our insomnia, dust, and worn out clothes, giving us ZUMBA instead!

David had cried to God for help after laying awake at night crying (v.5). He said, "Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning." If you've ever gone to bed weeping and crying out to God in prayer, you know the joy that can come with the morning.Only God can give that joy.

David struggled with his pride (v.6) but learned God was the source of all of his strength (v.7). God rebuked him for his arrogance (v.7), and David did what a person with a heart for God does ... he repented (v.8). He knew he lived in his changed state in order to praise God.

The dust of death and earth won't praise God, but the man who has experienced God will! (v.9) Though we may find ourselves for a time in the "sackcloth" (v.11) of grief, we aren't meant to stay there.
  • Do you hear yourself complaining often? 
  • Are you marked by negativity? 
  • Would people say you're a "downer?" 
God isn't a God who leaves us weeping, in the dust, and dressed in the worn out clothing of mourning. David testifies here that God "loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness" (v.11). A pity party is not a place to stay.

Because of who God is and what He does, we can give thanks to Him "forever" (v.12). We're meant to get over the insomnia, dust, and sackcloth of mourning and let Him change our "mourning into dancing" (v.11). We have to praise Him and not be silent!

  • Just like David, our past is filled with God's deliverance and favor.
  • Just like David when he penned Psalm 30, our present is meant to be full of joy, never ceasing to plead for God's mercy (v.8).
  • Just like David ... we're meant to outdo the dust and PRAISE HIM!

Do you need to get over your insomnia, shake off the dust, clothe yourself with gladness and praise Him? In case you need a visual, this is ZUMBA ... praise style. ;)
(You might want to turn up your computer and stand up ... and don't be surprised if someone else joins you from the shadows!) ....
(If you receive this via email, be sure to click on the post title to go the actual blog and see this video.)

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