Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Who Learns in VBS?

Isn't Vacation Bible School supposed to be for kids to learn about God? When I was preparing to teach 5 yr olds with JoHanna this week, that's what I was thinking and praying toward. Little did I know ...

Last night's big idea in the lesson was:  I can trust Jesus because He loves me. 

We used Psalm 56:3 to teach "When I am afraid I will trust in You."  I'm not "afraid," but I'm spending VBS week home sick. I've missed the first 2 nights, and Jeff has "helped" me come to the place where I realize I need to stay home the rest of the week. I HATE having to bail out on a commitment. I was planning to teach with our 16 yr old JoHanna, so she's had the chance to be stretched and to grow in serving. A sweet friend stepped up to help fill in some of the gaps I've left. It seems like the grown ups are learning as much as the kids are learning this week of VBS!

My version of Psalm 56:3:   When I am ... frustrated, disappointed, confused, weak, sick .... I will trust in You. Yes, I really can trust Jesus because He loves me. It works for kids, and it works for grown ups.

I've been meditating on Romans 5 in the last month; verses 3 and 4 are timely truths for me today.

I've learned it in the English Standard Version: 
More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.

In the NIV Reader's Version it says:
And that's not all. We are full of joy even when we suffer. We know that our suffering gives us the strength to go on. The strength to go on produces character. Character produces hope. 

5 Ways I will rejoice today:
  1. God is stretching my daughter in her own ministry skills, and she's rejoicing.
  2. God provided sisters in my local church to carry my load when I couldn't.
  3. My husband is strong enough to make me care for my needs ...and I'm trying to cooperate.
  4. I'm so thankful I have access to medicine and the freedom/permission to rest.
  5. God shows me new things when He imposes extra quiet time on me. Thank You, Lord.
Are you facing a challenge?  Frustrated, disappointed, confused, weak, sick? The VBS lesson works for kids and grown ups. We can trust in Jesus, because He loves us. How are you rejoicing?


  1. Thanks, Julie!  SO glad you are resting and rejoicing!  The JOY of the Lord is my strength!

  2. Praying you feel better soon sweet friend. You are wise to listen to your Jeff. Sometimes it takes them telling us to stop and rest in order for us to slow down :-). I know the Lord will teach JoHanna as she is "stretched" this week.



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