Thursday, June 16, 2011

What I Wish I Knew ...

Today is the June Hearts at Home Third Thursday blog hop, and the theme is centered around what we wish we knew when we were teenagers. I've spent a LOT of time thinking about this one. The more I think, the more I realize I wish I knew back then! How to narrow it down to one thing?!?!?

As I've watched my daughter JoHanna take on extra, unexpected responsibility at our VBS this week, she's learned so much. Those teen years are such full times for growth, aren't they? Throw in Facebook and texting and rising academic pressures and soaring college costs ... and you have the perfect opportunity to learn to trust God.

So for today I'm choosing one thing that I wish I knew as a teenager: those "promptings," great ideas, ideas I can't shake, needs I notice, and convictions I feel ... those are evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in me.  Isn't that exciting? It gives me confidence of my salvation and of God's work in me to guide me and change and use me. Those aren't just "crazy teenager" feelings; that's God at work.  Knowing He's working in me gives me freedom and boldness to act on His promptings in my life.  If I had realized that sooner, I think I would've made more of a difference and experienced more peace and praise in the process!
"for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure."  Phil. 2:13

What would you go back and tell your teenage self?


  1. I have many things I would like to tell my teenage self - and, I'm so excited for the opportunities to share those things with our two kids. One of the top things I would tell myself (and probably shake myself a bit to get the idea into my head...) is that there is no reason to waste so much time and effort and thought life on boys! Yep, I was boy crazy! I would  encourage my teenage self to channel those energies into my relationship with Christ and trust that God would provide the right man at the right time.

  2. This is something I've realized in the last year or so--those so-called "crazy" feelings being evidence of the Holy Spirit in my life.  It's what's led my husband and I to take on being part of a core team to open a new campus for our church, and to delve into African missions.  Crazy? Yes...but we're at peace because we know Who is prompting us to make these decisions!

  3. Pam, I've wondered how many opportunities I've passed up, because I talked myself into thinking ideas/burdens/thoughts were just "crazy."  I'm so glad that the Lord keeps giving them to us!

    Julie Sanders

  4. Great post, Julie! I very much agree, and as someone who is relatively young in my faith walk, the work of the Holy Spirit is something I wish I had recognized through many seasons of my life.  God's unconditional love is so amazing, and I'm blessed to have found it. Thank you for a great reminder!

  5. Oh, I wish I'd been aware of the Spirit's nudge when I was seeking guidance as a teen. Thanks for reminding me of how amazing it is to hear from Him. I pray often that my kids will recognize His nudges NOW and not wait until they are desperate for Him at 30 years old :)

    Thanks for sharing (and for stopping by the Overflow yesterday).

  6. Oh, LeAnn, I think this is a message most girls in the teen years need to hear. The world doesn't make it any easier, either. Glad for your investment with the middle school girls of WP!

    Julie Sanders


I love to hear your comments. Thanks for sharing and taking time to respond, give feedback, offer ideas, etc. Love hearing from you!