Friday, May 13, 2011

Stamp me!!

I had a post all set for you today, but blogger is having some ups and downs today, and it seems that my post was lost in one of the "downs." :) Since flexibility is key when ministering overseas, I'll assume this is getting me ready for my trip to Asia! I depart in the morning, and I so appreciate your prayers.

I like to choose a passage of scripture to meditate on and memorize from when I take a journey. This time the Lord directed my attention to Romans 5. It starts by talking about what it means to be "justified" by faith to have peace with God. "Justified" is a legal term with the idea of being moved from the "reject" category to the "acceptable" category. When I cross borders in just a couple days, I will receive a visa stamp of approval, an official imprint stating that I am "welcome." I will be justified. 

The people group we will be working with in Asia are not "justified" by their nation. Spread throughout multiple countries, no nation really wants them. As I shared in Pack Prayers First, this is a people assigned little worth in our world. But Romans 5 says God chooses to extend grace because of the sacrifice of one man, Jesus, and through it, He "justifies" us and counts us worthy to know Him.Stamp me with that!!

I want to invite you to print out this copy of Romans 5 to read with me this week. Maybe you'll want to commit a verse or two or five to memory with me. As I do this on a journey, God always shows me new things, greater things, and I am always grateful. Will you spend some time in Romans 5 with me this week? Who knows where it may take you!  

Rejoice with me in remembering how good it feels to have God "stamp us" with His seal of approval.

Romans 5


  1.  Wow friend!!!!!  Have a wonderful, wonderful trip!!!!  I will be praying for you my friend!  What an amazing experience touching lives in Asia for God!  I am so happy for you!

    Building Home with Him,

    Mary Joy

  2. I was just reading this chapter this morning in my read through the Bible verses!  : )  Neat.  I'll  spend more time with it this week.  What a wonderful gift our Savior gave us!  Whenever I read "while we were still sinners" I'm in awe of His gift to us.  I hope you have a great flight tomorrow!

    Kelly Love

  3. Awesome blog!  Feel free to stop by and follow me back  at as well as link up with Friendly Friday Follow

  4. Thanks so much Kelly. The more I read it, the more I see, and I love that "while we were still.." part too.  Amazing!

    Julie Sanders


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