Monday, May 16, 2011

Marriage Mondays ~ Glass Overfull

Today I am excited to be in Asia for a week of ministry with a team there. I will share pictures and updates as I have internet access, a few spare moments, and a little energy to make sense in written words. :) Be sure that you "like" the Come Have a Peace Facebook page, so you can see updates and pictures, as they're added.

Since I was heading out of the country, I didn't want to miss a Marriage Monday. I am guest posting with my friend Mary over at the Calm of His Presence.  Let me share a little bit here from what I'm sharing for Mary today, about those times when our husbands are a "Glass Overfull."

I was deep in thought as I poured drinks for dinner.  My husband got home late from the office and seemed preoccupied, like his thoughts were full and far away. I wanted his attention and his help. His mental load had been heavy that week, and I struggled with feeling like I just wanted him to dump his load. Before I knew it, all of my mulling led to a mess, as water overflowed onto the counter and over the edge. I was adding to an overfull glass.

Ephesians 5:33 speaks to the husband and the wife, “However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”  When our husband is overfull, it’s an opportunity for us to respect him with gentle care and understanding.

As I wiped up the wet floor, I realized that we were in a time when my husband was “at capacity.”  His “glass” was mentally and otherwise full.  Working my way up the dripping cabinet door, I was eye level with the glass. The water was so full that it formed a slight bubble ... 
Read the rest here ... (Be sure it's the May 16 post).
No linky today, since I am out of the country. Check back to link up later in May.;)

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