Friday, April 1, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

As I'm starting my post for the Ultimate Blog Party 2011 with 5 Minutes for Mom, I'm wrestling with ... shouldn't I use this time iron or watch another rerun with the fam or put the pizza box in the trash or clip the dog's nails? After all, it's Friday night ... Nah. Jumping into the Party is such fun and a great way to wrap up the week.
Ultimate Blog Party 2011
I started blogging in January of 2009, in part because I love to write, I love getting to know other women, I love finding how God's truth applies to real life, and mostly because I knew God wanted me to. Highlights on my blog are my weekly Marriage Mondays (There's a Linky, if you like) now in their 2nd year, and then recipes on Tasty Tuesday. I enjoy writing about special themes related to the challenges of being a woman who seeks God in today's world. 

Blogging has been a great extension of opportunities I have to write for magazines like P31 Woman and online venues like Scripture Dig (I write there with our team of 6 writers who love digging into God's Word). I'm also a mom of two teenagers (can't believe THAT), and I love being a partner to my husband of 21 years who happens to be a "Pastor of Mobilization." :) That means we have the joy of spending our time and energy with international partners and missionaries, caring for them, and passing on the vision in our home country. Our own experience as missionaries in Asia planted that love deeply in our hearts. We also get to help mobilize our church family here in our own city in places like the women's shelter. I also have the pleasure of being our Women's Ministry Director. I love teaching Bible studies and sharing with women's groups. Jeff and I work together with a newly married couples group (we love that), and we have a passion for building up marriages. In my "past" I was a teacher and have since had the fun of schooling our own kids at home for two different periods in between christian and public school; currently it's a combo. Next year I'll have 2 teenagers in high school, and I'm holding hope I may actually have more than just "5 Minutes for Mom."  :) The teen years have been very sweet.

In my "off" time,  I love growing herbs, cooking, soaking up history, reading amazing books, writing poems, and camping with my fam. I also love to draw, but I don't get much time to do that, and when I do ... I do things like post for the Ultimate Blog Party. :)

I love getting to know my readers and having the joy of praying with and for them. I'm hoping to get to know some new blog friends on the UBP this year. I want Come Have a Peace to be a place where women are encouraged by God's truth applied to life in practical ways that produce the peace we're meant to know.

Want to subscribe? Here's the spot.

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Blessings to you as you read,


  1. I enjoyed learning a little more about you! You have lived an interesting life so far and I know God has even more amazing stuff planned for you! Your children are absolutely beautiful!

  2. I love that your family has a heart for missions. My husband and I are right there with you. I'm blessed to be going on my 4th trip this summer and hope to do it long term someday, so I love to meet others with the same passion.

    Stop by and say hi when you get the chance. See you then!

  3. Hi Julie! Nice to meet another Julie. I laughed right off as I read your post. Your "to do" list here almost identically matches mine. HaHaHa! I chose the same as you did for the same reasons. So great to read about you. I look forward to visiting your blog in the future!

  4. Oh, I'm at if you ever want to drop by.

  5. Hi Julie. So glad you linked up to the blog party! Have fun visiting all of these fabulous blogs!

  6. Thank you for being who you are, Julie. I've been blessed by your blog and appreciate your Christian companionship and the prayers you've prayed for my family.


  7. Have loved getting to know you as our blog paths have crossed, and what a bonus privilege to be able to pray for each other! Continuing to lift you up ....

    Julie Sanders

  8. Thanks Barbie! Excited to meet some new bloggers this week.

    Julie Sanders

  9. Will definitely stop by Amy! I hope your missions trip this summer will be sweet for you and for those you serve. It never fails that my heart is as/more filled than those I minister to. I'm sure the Lord will use these next months to prepare you in every way. Blessings 2U!

    Julie Sanders

  10. Hi Alisa! I feel like we need to sit down and have "blog coffee." :) What are the plans for the next Sanctified Together?

    Julie Sanders

  11. Glad to "meet" you! Thanks for connecting and look forward to getting to know you further via our social media connections! Blessings to you.

  12. Great to find your personal blog...I read you on Scripture Dig all the time. I love that site! Nice to "meet" you!

  13. So glad to have you reading "there" and "here" and to meet you through the UBP! :)

    Julie Sanders

  14. So glad you joined the UBP!

    Visit me at: L.I.F.E. by Ashley Pichea
    ~living intentionally by faith everyday~

  15. Julie ~ Thanks so much for visiting me and for leaving such a sweet comment! I am so glad you found me because now I am super excited to follow you - your site is beautiful and I am loving what I've read :) I'm just starting out in this whole blog/twitter world, so no I'm not on twitter at this point, we'll see what transpires as I figure things out! Thanks again and I look forward to stopping back soon.

  16. Lovely to meet you, Julie, through ubp. I just became a subscriber, as we have a lot in common ~ missions, women's ministry, writing, parenting etc. except I am older than you. I look forward to getting to know you.


    Gg - Notes on the Journey #269

  17. Hey friend!! Happy UBP week!! Hope your're having fun so far!! Love you and your blog!! :)

  18. And happy UBP to you, sweet Rachel. :) I appreciate you and your words that are always full of the fruit of the spirit. I just know we'll get to meet in "person" someday!

    Julie Sanders

  19. Well then welcome to the blog world Becca. :) And don't feel "pushed" to tweet! I'll look forward to getting to know you through the crossing of our blog paths. Enjoy the UBP and blessings to you ~ Julie

  20. So neat, Glenda. I'll look forward to getting to chat in the places where our worlds cross. Since you're in my "same steps" but steps ahead, ;) I'll be eager to read and see what the Lord is doing in your world. Glad to meet you on the UBP!

  21. Excited to hear about the new linky. . .Marriage Mondays! I must remember, Monday, Monday, Monday!

    Clicked over from the Blog Party!

  22. Love the new connections on the UBP :) See you on Monday, Monday, Monday. ;)

    Julie Sanders

  23. So excited to find your blog. Stopping over from the UBP!
    Definitely will be subscribing. :)
    I am just thrilled to pieces with how many awesome Christian Mommy bloggers are out there!!!

    Please feel free to check mine out--


  24. Just stopping by from the UBP... so great to meet you!

    joy & blessings,

  25. So glad to have you stop by, Alida, and I'll look forward to checking out your "black purl"  ;)  Have fun on the UBP!

    Julie Sanders

  26. Great to meet you Meredith. It IS really encouraging to meet lots of women of faith who are blogging out here. So glad to find each other :) and I'm looking forward to stopping over at COTMG! 


    Julie Sanders

  27. Stopping by from UBP. It's always great to meet other Christian mommas out there in the blogging world.

  28. Hi! I'm stopping by from UBP - I'm #73 (Being Made New - on the Christian list. Very nice to get to know you a little - and I hope you might stop by my place this week, too. :^)

  29. Julie, so glad I found your blog through the UBP. I'm looking forward to reading your posts regularly!

  30. So glad you came by, Christa, and I loved reading your post about your family and "pet family." ;) Welcome to blogging!

    Julie Sanders

  31. Thank you! I look forward to connecting through blogging! maiden name is Sanders. :)

  32. Always love meeting another "Sanders." Last year I was hosting a guest for an event, and as we talked about our backgrounds and heritage, one thing led to another, and we discovered that we were related!!! :) It turned out to be a neat part of a much larger story. So maybe we are "cousins.: ;)

    Julie Sanders

  33. I am very glad I found you tonight. I am doing some late night, last minute UBP11 partying. The weekly memes you host sound great. I can't wait to find out more about them. I will click those links after I comment ;)

    Have a blessed weekend!
    Long Wait For Isabella

  34. Just playing along with the Blog Party... I love your blog layout and am looking forward to soaking up some of your wisdom.

  35. So glad you came to visit while on the UBP Jennifer! Welcome, and I hope you'll stop by often.

    Julie Sanders

  36. So glad to have had you visit through the UBP, Lavonne. Stop by and visit often. :)

    Julie Sanders


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