Friday, April 1, 2011

Fit 4Faith Wrap Up

Are you thinking more about how to be Fit 4Faith than we started 21 days ago? :) 21 days won't cement a new habit in our lives, but it gives us a great start. I personally needed to reset my thinking from asking questions like "What do I want?" to asking THE question:  How can I best honor God with my body? 

That question has changed some of the decisions I've made in March, and it's prompted me to drink more water and eat better food, read God's Word more intently, move more often and thoughtfully, and allow my mind and body to rest. I'm more Fit when I'm obedient. How about you?

Yesterday in my Bible study group, we ended with a verse that seems like the perfect way to wrap up our focus in March, because we know WE WILL BE TEMPTED to go back to our old ways of making decisions about our bodies. WE WILL BE TEMPTED to let our desires or our world or the enemy master us and our physical selves. This short passage gives us the answer to "So what will I do when ...?"

So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 
1 Cor. 10:12-13

We learn 3 things about God here and 3 things about ourselves. When we have a right view of God, we see ourselves and our temptations more accurately. The result? Less drama, girls ;) and more victory!
  1. God is faithful.
  2. God allows and limits our temptations.
  3. God provides a way out of temptation.
  4. We will be tempted.
  5. We only face temptations common to man.
  6. We can bear temptation.
I can get to a Chick-fil-A in any direction within 20 minutes! (I am NOT saying Chick-fil-A is evil. If you ever hear that from me, you know the blog has been hacked! ;) )    On the way, I pass multiple greenways for walking. I will pass billboards inviting me to do (expensive) things to my body. And I don't need to tell you about all of the tiny temptations in between. WE WILL FACE the temptation to let many other masters control our bodies, but WE CAN BE FIT 4FAITH!

God is faithful and will limit our temptations and provide escape. We will be tempted by what man has always faced, but we can be victorious!

I don't know what opportunities God may give you or me in the days ahead, but I know that if we honor Him out of our hearts and with our bodies, we'll be Fit 4 our Faith when we get there. 

How has God prompted you to honor Him with your body? 

(If you get this by email, you'll have to click the title "Fit 4Faith Wrap Up" to go to the post to comment. You can also leave a comment on the Come Have a Peace Facebook page. I'd love to hear from you!)

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