Thursday, March 17, 2011

What does it matter if we're fit?

  • We're told we should take care of ourselves for our children, for our grandchildren, for our husband, for those who depend on us.
  • We're told we should take care of ourselves just for ourselves. 

What does it matter if we're "fit?"

Being "fit" means something different depending on who you talk to. In "Fit" 4Faith, I'm talking about taking care of my earthly tent, my physical body. This includes good mental and physical health and has results in things like my energy, my state of mind, and my strength. 

We've been reminded so far, in Fit 4Faith, that if we know our bodies have been bought with the sacrifice of Jesus' life, there's a greater reason to be "fit." Followers of Jesus want to be "fit" so we have potential to be used 4 our Faith. 

The more I align myself with what God wants, the more fit I am. Instead of worshiping my body, I worship God with my body. I know I have a long way to go in that. You?

Being fit does matter to other people, though. Here are a few ways it can honor the Lord in my life:
  1. When I'm fit I have the energy serve at my church (and to GO to church!).
  2. If I'm rested I am more likely to be in a frame of mind to listen, encourage, and counsel my children.
  3. Being healthy makes me a more fun companion to my husband.
  4. Yielding my physical body to God's ways makes me more content & less likely to complain.
  5. If I'm being a good caretaker of my body, I'm prepared to say, "YES" when God brings opportunity.
  6. When I am honoring God with my body, I give Him a chance to rule my mind and emotions.
  7. When I give my body what it needs, I'm better able to listen to my husband, be attentive, and enjoy him intimately = better marriage!
  8. If I'm physically more fit, I'm more likely to be active with my children; that builds our relationships.
  9. Taking care of myself means I better manage the "load of life" - home, work, relationships, etc.
  10. When I have energy and strength, it's easier to work unto the Lord, serve family, and be productive.

So what difference does it make if your fitness is an offering to the Lord? Our health is never guaranteed, and ever person has a different capacity for wellness. Some people who most honor God with their body are those who manage disease and frailty and physical brokenness.  Each of us has to go back to the key question:   How do I honor God with my body?
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.1 Cor. 9:24-27
We could struggle and beat ourselves up to be healthy in the world's eyes, but we would do it "aimlessly." We might get a crown from the world's standards, but it's a crown that wouldn't last forever. As we discipline ourselves to become Fit 4Faith, we do it to honor God, even with our very physical bodies. Now THAT's a reason that will help me make decisions!

Tomorrow, I'll let you know how I've been doing in this first week of 21 days to be more Fit 4Faith. I'll also give you a new scripture verse to meditate on this week.


  1. Oh, Julie. I have so far to go on this one. I do like my little comfort zone - and my chocolate. Thank you for reminding me that denial up front can lead to benefits later. Blog on! ;)

  2. Every now and then I think I need someone to give me a little "shake" and help me see the comfort zone I've created ... the thing I don't do, the things I do do, and why I form the habits I have. I guess I need to remind myself that I'm a "new creation" every single day and live in that newness, not in my stale comfort zone.  Chocolate is in mine too ;)

    Julie Sanders


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