Friday, March 18, 2011

Fit 4Faith Friday Check Up

So it's been a week of re-aligning how I think by asking one question: How can I honor God with my body?

Have you been asking? Has it helped steer your decisions and habits?

Personally, I've had some great moments and some not-so-victorious moments, but I think that overall I've moved in a more Fit 4Faith direction. (Except for the detour to Mr. Sticky's for a colossal Peanut Butter Sticky Bun ... but I DID decide to share and eat it over 2 days. ;) )

Being Fit is not just about food. It's also not just about exercise. And just because someone looks great on the outside or seems to have it all together in the health arena, it doesn't mean they're honoring God with their body. As Jesus loving ladies, our goal is to honor Him with how we live in our earthly bodies.

Five things hindered me this week:
  1. Traveling to relatives' houses with changes in weather & lots of car time
  2. Changes in beds
  3. Special food "treats" as we visited and traveled
  4. Dreary weather days
  5. Accumulated fatigue that just made me want to lay around
Five things helped me this week:
  1. Being away from home & away from routine duties (this was a hindrance AND a help)
  2. Bright, warm, sunny weather that called me outside
  3. Great access to a good place to go for a walk & kids who wanted to go outside
  4. Walking through the vegetable section at the store
  5. A good book that nurtured my spirit and mind and "called" me to sit and rest

So what hindered or helped you this week? There will always be challenges to bringing our bodies into submission to honor God. It's just part of living in a fallen world and part of wrestling against principalities and powers, instead of just our flesh.

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. .... Titus 2:11-14

If I believe God is Who He says He is, then I CAN SAY NO to ungodliness and worldly passions, and I CAN SAY YES to self-controlled, upright living. God's grace in my life provides salvation for me, and that salvation makes possible the power to do right. My Faith is meant to change every nook and cranny of my life, leaving no selfish or foul stone unturned. God provides way more than enough power for me to be "Fit 4Faith," so I can just forget the "I can't do it" response. Through Christ, I CAN be Fit 4Faith.

Habitforge is a helpful reminder for me each day. Have you signed up? Is it working for you?

I want to invite you to meditate on the bold verses above, verses 11-13, this week. Let's be empowered by God's grace enabling us to live like we're waiting for the blessed hope of being with our Lord. THAT's awesome motivation to live Fit 4Faith!  And I wonder how, as I'm more faithful to be a FIT steward of my body, what new doors the Lord may open for me. 

How about you? Have you taken a step forward in being more Fit 4Faith than you were a week ago?


  1. Julie, thank you! I am so grateful for Come, Have A Peace. It is really helping me to keep God in the forefront of my life, and I look forward to each post. Fit4Faith is an excellent challenge (challenge being the key word here...I had to start over three times this week)! Habitforge is a great reminder. Susan

    P.S. Hope that PB sticky bun was extra tasty going down... my weakness is Good & Plenty licorice candy :)

  2. Susan, I'm so very glad to hear that CHP is helpful. That's my desire and prayer. The sticky bun WAS amazing ;), and don't worry about starting over.  God's mercies are new EVERY morning!  Each day is a new day we can offer to Him and ask for His strength. Blessings to you, Julie

    Julie Sanders


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