Friday, March 23, 2012

A Psalm of Blessing for the Broken

Today at Do Not Depart I'm sharing about Psalm 103 in our Run to Him series. It's a Psalm of Blessing because of a Love for the Broken. The Psalmist called on all the souls in the whole community to think back about the benefits of being loved out of their exile and brokenness by the most gracious, loving God.

If you're looking back (or at) a history with scattered shards left by life's cutting moments, this Psalm will give words to your gratitude. It will freshen your heart's resolve to Run to Him when you have nothing or when you've been given everything.

Here's a glimpse ...
Every journey includes failures and fresh starts, and we all survive at the mercy of a generous, divine hand. You may not need a toaster or a can opener or gently used coffee table. But how have YOU experienced the benefits of the east to west, earth to heaven, fatherly love of God?


  1. Beautiful post. Thanks for the reminder that even when we feel alone, He loves us so big and so much!

  2. Yes, "so big and so much." :) It's amazing, isn't it?

    Julie Sanders


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