Monday, February 20, 2012

Marriage Mondays: 5 Perks of a Cafe Table

Since starting “7 Days in a Café,” I’m observing a lot more than just the depth of the whip on my latte. While sitting in a café with a young gal I’m mentoring, I noticed that most of the tables around us were occupied by couples. Not surprising … after all, it was the weekend before Valentine’s Day and a place known for its French crepes. Thus, the heavy concentration of couples.

The Nutella crepes may draw people in (YUM!); it certainly isn’t the comfort of the café tables and chairs. The seating is small, metal, and cold. I almost felt like I had to sit up straight like the Eiffel Tower so I wouldn’t fall out of my chair. I wanted to suggest to Monsieur Le Proprietor (I really don’t think that’s French) that they put a little cushion on each of the chairs and that they get bigger chairs. After all, no one who frequents a crepe café is going to fit on a teeny tiny metal chair. Just sayin’ …

The couples didn’t seem to care about the chairs. There were young ones and older ones and “how did they end up together?” ones. They each claimed a café table of their own, and I observed them. This is what I learned:

5 Perks of a Café Table
  • If you sit at a café table, it’s easier to share crepes.
  • If you sit at a café table, it’s easier to listen well.
  • If you sit at a café table, it’s easier to notice details about your partner.
  • If you sit at a café table, it’s easier to hold hands.
  • If you sit at a café table, it’s easier to feel private, and that leads to intimacy.
In our busy world it isn't easy to shut out what's around us to focus on each other and enjoy each other. It's God's plan that we should.  "May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer-- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love" (Prov. 5:18-19).  By intentionally and physically drawing away and drawing close, we set ourselves up to rejoice in each other, to satisfy each other, and to captivate each other. You're more likely to have the opportunity to be be captivated at a table for two. 

When I was growing up my dad always asked for a “bigger table,” preferably a booth. That’s great for a group or for “Kids Menu” kind of meals, but a small café table has its perks. Next time you go out (and you should go out), whether it’s a McDonald’s or a pizza place or a café with a Monsieur, choose a little table for two. Don’t be shy about saying, “We’d rather not have a big table or a booth. Maybe something small, like at a crepe place.” You’ll be so glad you did.

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