Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life Off Line: Are you resting?

In my Saturday closet cleaning, I discovered some long forgotten items. My 2 teenage "fashion consultants" encouraged me to get rid of more than a few items. I've threatened them not to send me in to "What Not to Wear." I firmly believe that most things WILL COME BACK IN STYLE. ;)

I also discovered some lost opportunities. Among other things, I found a FREE MOVIE TICKET that runs out TOMORROW. I'm not good at relaxing. I'm good at working. I usually stuff those "fun things" away for another day, a day when I'll have nothing to do. I'm afraid that day doesn't come very often, does it. But in Life Off Line, it's important to take real time off to relax and rest.

Jesus set a pattern for us when He took time away to rest. Following the feeding of the 5,000, people did not stop looking for Him, asking for Him, or wanting Him to "fix" things. Maybe this is one of the many reasons He understands women! :) But He still rested.

"After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias. And a large crowd was following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick. Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples. "John 6:1-3

  • Sometimes the most godly way I can use a day is to rest.  
  • Real life isn't very sweet without rest.
  • My busy mind/body/spirit fail to remember who is God unless I stop and sit down. 

So I don't know if the movie ticket is going to be used now or if it will just be a reminder of what I miss when I stuff the priority of rest to dark and forgotten places. After all, the Muppet Movie was showing, and I could've used a good laugh more than a few times since I got that ticket! ;)  Instead, I've taken a step to plan a few nights away at a quiet place offered by friends, and I think I'll go up there on that mountain and sit down. 

What do you do that helps you to find real rest? 

Today's Life Off Line Challenge: 
- Sit down.  :) 
- Take a deep breath.
- Pick up a pen (or however you plan) & mark off a "piece of a day" to rest. Keep it sacred, because it is.


  1. Hey Julie,  This is Sue.  I met you at the Moms Chair last week.  Loved your post about rest this morning!  Your blog is beautiful!  I liked it and will be back!  : )

  2. Oh, thanks so much Sue. You are sweet, and I'm so glad we got to meet. I heard that Becky gave a great challenge for the first MC. Thanks for coming to visit, and I'll look forward to getting to know you better! :) Julie Sanders

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