Tuesday, December 6, 2011

He's worth the wait


It's December 6th. What are you waiting for?

The thrill of seeing a "living Christmas tree?" The joy of giving a "perfect" present? Your masterpiece Christmas Eve dinner? Crafting an heirloom gingerbread house with grandkids? The arrival of loved ones?

Israel had been waiting a long time for the arrival of her King when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. If they studied the words of the prophets they would've been watching for His coming.  Simeon was not only alert; he was waiting. He was "waiting for the consolation of Israel" (Luke 2:25), the comfort of his people. The Holy Spirit told him he wouldn't die before he SAW Jesus and then prompted him to go into the temple on the very day he would meet the earthly family of the long awaited child. There, he saw Mary and Joseph who had come with their infant son Jesus.

Standing in the temple in Jerusalem, in the hearing of priests and Jews, the elderly man announced that his eyes had seen God's salvation who would be "a light for revelation for the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel" (v.32). It was a sight worth his wait.

The young newlywed parents of Jesus marveled at what the old man in the temple had said. They didn't say he was a "creeper" (teen term borrowed from my 2); Simeon affirmed who Jesus was and blessed the little family. He spoke words declaring Jesus' purpose and words cautioning them about the hardships ahead. In the midst of doing what other Jewish parents would've done with their 100% human first born sons, Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit to single out the Son of God and honor Him.

Simeon waited for Jesus, and when he saw Him, he identified him for the world to know He is the Messiah. Imagine how different the story would've been if all of those in the temple that day would've believed.

The old man made room in his life to wait for the one thing that mattered most - the coming of Jesus. 

  • Are you waiting for the second coming of Jesus? 
  • Are you looking for His presence in your life today? 
  • Is anticipation of other things crowding out "the Jesus?"
  • How can you point Him out in this season, so others will know the Savior has come, and He's worth waiting for?

1 comment:

  1. By the way, I love the pics you are including from the visualbible - am very visual so I am really enjoying them!  Thanks for the great reminders and challenges :-)  Love, Jenny C.


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