Friday, December 9, 2011

Have you made the move? & a Giveaway

They were common like I am. Andrew and Simon had been following for a while, but they were still keeping up with the family business they ran with their partners, James and John. On a day when crowds were trying to get near Jesus at the Sea of Galilee, the band of fishermen had just finished up a wasted day of fishing and were washing their nets when Jesus got into Simon's boat.

Jesus wanted Simon to push out from shore a little, so He could get a little space to teach the suffocating crowd. But Jesus also wanted a chance to show the brothers His authority and power. Directing Simon to cast the empty nets in again, Simon and the others were "astonished" at the overwhelming catch of fish that rewarded them after a long day of nothing.  Standing in a boat load of fish, Simon could do nothing else but fall to his knees and humble himself before the power of Jesus, much like the shepherds had done when Jesus first took on the form of a man.

  • First Jesus asked Simon to put out and let Him use the boat. He wanted Simon to be willing. (Luke 4:3)
  • Then Jesus asked Simon to put out his nets to get fish. He wanted Simon to be trusting. (vv. 4-5)
  • Then Jesus asked Simon to leave it all behind and follow Him. He wanted Simon be committed. (vv. 10-11)
  • (Read the story here)

And so the common man did. He left the familiar, the secure family business, and even his father. He moved from common to committed. He had been following, but Jesus called for whole-life following! (Also read Matt. 4:18-22 and John 1:35-42)

Common people who release the familiar know Jesus in ways only possible for those who make room. 

What could Jesus be asking you to leave on the beach, so you can move from common to 

Giveaway: A friend blessed me with a copy of Sarah's Young's Jesus Calling  to give away. It would be a great read the week between Christmas & New Year's or a loving way to stuff a stocking. To win enter 1-4 ways: just leave a comment and let me know one way you are making room for Jesus this Christmas season. OR share this post on Facebook, Twitter, or like the CHP Facebook page. Leave a comment letting me know if you have any/all of those multiple entries. I will post the winner on Monday, and I'll do my best to get it to you in time for Christmas! :)


  1. I am focusing on making my holiday about HIM- focusing on loving others and giving more in HIS name then in my name :)

  2. and I like your fb page already :)

  3. I LOVE this devotional. I bought one for each of my women's ministry team members for Christmas. 

  4. This year, we are focusing our Christmas on Jesus and what he gave.  Reading the Bible and coming up with creative ways to give to others who may be in need.


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