Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm a guest! Come visit with me.

Visiting around is one of the fun parts of the holiday season. I was a "guest" at a friend's blog home Tuesday, and I'm with other friends today at our gathering place where we blog together. Tuesday I shared about one of our favorite family Christmas traditions at "Sharing the Journey" with Chelsey. Find out what kicks off our Christmas season. Today I'm at Scripture Dig as part of our Advent series about why Jesus came.This was a post I really enjoyed writing!

Here's a taste of each ...

Christmas is a season of songs. In Luke 1 we read young Mary’s song of praise. The angelic host broke out into singing in Luke 2, and after leaving the stable the Shepherds burst into a chorus of glory in Luke 2:20. It’s too full and too rich not to have a “background track” playing a stirring score behind the celebration of Christmas. What song do you hear? For our family, a song ushers in the beginning of Christmas. Like so many of our most favorite and familiar traditions, we didn’t really choose it, discuss it, or decide on it. It just happened. In our case, my husband’s family found themselves playing “the song” yearly, until they all knew the lyrics and chimed in together, as if it’s automatic and they can’t stop … until they all dissolve into laughter. Read the rest here ...

And at Scripture Dig ...
"The news from 2011 will reflect a wave of uprisings washing across Europe and the Middle East, crashing onto cities like London, Jerusalem, Cairo, and Athens. With an election year in the United States, voices of discontent call out and seek a champion for change. The port of Oakland, California was shut down Monday, Dec. 12 due to protests related to the Occupy Wall St/Oakland/Portland/... Movement. Mankind has always sought rulers to lead well, measuring success in peace, prosperity, and power. As Israel awaited her prophesied Messiah's coming, it was no different. They looked for a king to break the bondage of Rome and restore the glory days of earthly man-kings like Solomon and David. They weren't looking for a Jesus."                                          Read the rest here ...

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