Thursday, November 17, 2011

A180 View & A Giveaway!

How do you do with the 180 view? You know... instead of just looking at those people directly in your line of sight, being intentional to look side to side and "see" others. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own "stuff" that I miss others around me. Today we're headed to the Vanderbilt Voice Center (I appreciate your prayers!) to see what we can find out about the challenges with my voice; it's easy to just see our own needs/pains when we're in a trial. I was reminded this morning that following Jesus means we don't just get stuck in direct line of sight. We "see" the 180.

"For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised" (2 Cor. 5:14-15).

It's oh, so "me" to live for myself. In this season of Thanksgiving, I'm asking the Lord to help turn my eyes to those in my 180. Will you do that with me? Who are they Lord? What do they need? Where are they? How can I love You by loving them?

Today Hearts at Home is asking what 5 things our families give us so we can "have more." It sets us up to have more available, so we can respond to the needs of those in our 180. Here are the 5 things that came to mind from the Sanders family:
  1. Car #3 - Despite the fact that it would be helpful with teens, we are car sharing. I'm finding it's keeping me "at home" more, and that's a good thing!
  2. Gadgets - We are not the first (or 2nd ... or 3rd ...) to get new gadgets. I appreciate the simplicity it adds. I'm not sure the kids would agree. ;)
  3. Room Makeovers - Resourcefulness is our friend, but we are not ones to devote a lot of money or time into making our HGTV visions become a reality. 
  4. Clothing Trends - I'm not saying godly should be frumpy ;) but we have chosen not to be in the habit of regularly shopping or of shopping where it takes a lot of resources.
  5. Pocket $ - Ahhh, we have teens, and this is a challenging one. We "turn the wallet faucet off" so it doesn't drip dollar bills and 5$ bills day after day. Little things can really add up.

These are just 5 things we save on, so we can do more ... like saving up for meaningful experiences together, regularly tithing, being part of what's going on in missions, and having "generous spaces" in our budget so we can give to those in our 180.

GIVEAWAY:   What are you doing to save so you can have more of what matters?  Leave a comment to win a copy of Jill Savage's book "Living Less So Your Family Has More."   (I'll announce the winner Saturday!)


  1. We only drive one car.  It's hard sometimes because my husband works odd hours, but it has definitely helped with our budget!

    Praying for you!

  2. Dolphins12131975@hotmail.comNovember 18, 2011 at 12:34 AM

    I am always looking for new ways to save money. Thanks and pray your voice returns

  3. I started couponing again.  It takes a little time, but $15 or $20 a few times a month really adds up.

  4. We limit what we spend on ourselves at Christmas so we can give more to others. 

  5. I love a good giveaway and I know you stopped by my blog to see how we save momey. Here's another one...all those things we could buy through orders, popcorn, etc. Those only get purchased if the girls spend their own money. But circling books they want from the book order and then getting them at the library is awesome. They still get to read a book and the house doesn't get loaded with more stuff!

  6. My elemntary age kids already know we wait for things to be on a "good sale" and prefer to have a coupon also!  I enjoy hearing them remind one another!   Praising God for your encouraging news today and continuing to pray for your healing!

  7. Congratulations Julie! You are the randomly chosen winner of Jill's book. Just send your mailing address to me via email:  jeffjulmission@yahoo .com.  I'll get your book in the mail and on its way to you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    ~ Julie

  8. Congratulations Julie! You are the randomly chosen winner of Jill's
    book. Just send your mailing address to me via email:  jeffjulmission@yahoo .com.  I'll get your book in the mail and on its way to you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    ~ Julie


I love to hear your comments. Thanks for sharing and taking time to respond, give feedback, offer ideas, etc. Love hearing from you!