Monday, October 31, 2011

Marriage Mondays: What's your story?

Today is the last of the 5 October Mondays for Marriage Survivor stories. I've been challenged and inspired, and I hope you have too. These women have taught me much about thriving in marriage, instead of just surviving.

This weekend, though, I've just been "surviving!" Jeff is getting over bronchitis, and I've been in bed most of the last 4 days, alternating between coughing and blowing my nose. It's not exactly the stuff of romance novels, is it? But it's the stuff of real life ... and real love. And I hope it's over soon. :)

I had another survival story I wanted to share, but moments in between coughing are few, so let me leave you with a simple challenge .. and a chance to win the beautiful, final October giveaway provided by Antoinette!

How often do you think of your marriage story?
Answer these questions to help you reflect on the last of the October stories ... YOURS!

  • How did God use other people and events to bring you together with your husband?
  • What do you remember most about the day of your wedding?
  • What created the most conflict or challenge in the early years of being one?
  • Was there an early event that brought you closer together?
  • Who has God used to mentor, teach, or encourage you in marriage?
  • How have you both changed during your marriage?
  • What has God provided for you together?
  • What trials have tested your unconditional love?
  • How have you faced temptation?
  • What blessings have you enjoyed together?
  • How do you hope to grow closer together?
  • What kind of goals or hopes do you share for your future?
  • How would you want someone else to write your story? Not a happy beginning? How do you want it to end?

We're all still writing our stories. Like any story, we all have our shining moments and our hard moments. Some hard moments are as temporary and as minor as bronchitis and viruses, but some hardships test our love, like those shared by our 4 women this month. The end of your story hasn't been written yet.

As the 4 women have shared, sometimes love is gut wrenching hard. Every marriage story is unique; every love refined by different circumstances. Let's finish with a blessing for surviving faithfully:

May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. Col. 1:11,12

To enter to win the final jewelry giveaway this month, just leave a comment here OR on the CHP Facebook page, sharing one thing that makes YOUR story uniquely YOURS. I'll share the winner Wednesday!


  1. Prayers are going up for you my friend. I pray God will use the time in bed to heal & rejuvenate your body! Our story is unique in that Jeff & I have had to fight life threatening illnesses in him & his parent's. Through those health challenges God has strengthened our love & devotion for one another. He has also used it to strengthen our reliance on Him and to teach us how to minister & love others going through trials in their marriage.

  2. That will really mark your marriage, Mary. It's great that you can see how your physical struggles with loved ones has prepared you to be able to serve others in similar hardships. So glad for how it's strengthened the love between you.

    Julie Sanders


  3. Praying for your quick recovery Julie.  We've been blessed so far to not have any of us down with illness yet this season.  Last year was tough though.  My husband, kids, and I just kept passing our germs around to one another for about 4  months straight.  Praying that doesn't happen again as winter arrives. 

    My husband and I have a fairytale love story, but it has endured years filled with life threatening illness, frightening and false accusations, financial hardships, unemployment, and depression.  Through it all, God has stretched us and strengthened us and our marriage has survived beautifully.  Only through a Christ centered marriage would that have been possible. 


  4. You've definitely endured more than 1 marriage's share of challenges, Rosann. How awesome that you can say it's strengthened you and your marriage has survived beautifully. A marriage that has been refined under much fire has a rare beauty. God is great!

    Julie Sanders


  5. In 10 years of marriage, we have faced countless struggles-job changes, moves, children, miscarriage,financial nothingness,depression and anxiety,brokenness,death of loved ones-but what a picture it' s become to me of how much Christ loves us. Dying to selfish desires is much more of a struggle than i ever imagined it would be. Grace has become a true concept to me through struggles. Forgiveness and unconditional love have as well. It has been the most painful journey at times,but also at times the most rewarding.It is definitly a story far from over and I am excited...and ready... to see what He will have for us as we both prayerfully continue to draw closer to Him through this all. 

  6. You've had your share of valleys in your marriage. I agree with what you shared that came to the surface through all those trials: "Dying to selfish desires is much more of a struggle than i ever imagined it would be."  Marriage really reveals that, doesn't it? What a great testimony to God's grace that you have persevered and remained committed and see Him so much in it. Stay on that path of faithfulness, friend! It will bring fruit that remains. So glad you shared.

    Julie Sanders


  7. I think I'm a very slow learner - after almost 20 years, I think I'm just starting to understand God's will and ways for me in my marriage. I'm so glad the Lord is ever present and patient! Jenny C.

  8. Congratulations! You are the winner of this week's jewelry giveaway for the October marriage survivor series. Just email me your mailing address, and I'll get your gift in the mail to you as soon as I'm well enough to get to the PO! :)


I love to hear your comments. Thanks for sharing and taking time to respond, give feedback, offer ideas, etc. Love hearing from you!