Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Giveaway Winner & Coffee Shop Truth

I love giving away beautiful things. Imagine how God must feel!

"If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" Matt. 7:11

This past Monday I had the privilege of sharing Julie and Patrick's story. How encouraging and challenging! Our first Marriage Survivor Story was shared by Antoinette, who also made and donated the lovely jewelry sets to be given away each Marriage Monday in October!

And the winner of this week's Marriage Monday giveaway, chosen by, is .... LeAnn H! Check out the Come Have a Peace Facebook page for a reminder of how beautiful LeAnn's set is, and I know that this sweet friend of mine is going to look lovely in these long beads. And while you're there, if you haven't "liked" the page, take a second to "like" it and get the updates. I'll be giving away a new set, created by Antoinette, on Monday!

I want to invite you to visit me over at Scripture Dig today, where I'm sharing about one of God's names. "To know His names is to know Him." 

You will be encouraged in your confidence and trust by this name first called out from beside a newly planted tree. You'll also find out what my favorite coffee shop has to do with who God is. ;)

Yesterday morning I met friends for coffee to talk about a ministry close to our hearts; we met in an historical building turned coffee shop, perched on a sidewalk lining a brick street that has witnessed centuries of change. I love the sound of the old wooden floors, the aged bricks like faces who once filled the rooms, and the high ceilings that have echoed generations of voices. Sitting in the soft leather chair, I reflected on ...
Read the rest of Beyond Crumbling here

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Thank you Julie for hosting these stories, Julie and Antoinette for sharing, and Antoinette for making and donating the beautiful jewelry. I think we can all agree that thanks be to God for changing hearts, lives, marriages, and families! These stories are so encouraging to us all.


I love to hear your comments. Thanks for sharing and taking time to respond, give feedback, offer ideas, etc. Love hearing from you!