Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Combustible or Clinging?

Are you watching pictures of the wildfires in Texas? One government website warned, "high winds and dry conditions can set the stage for potentially severe fires, putting lives and property at risk." The region is experiencing extreme drought, making dry structures nearly combustible.

Have you ever felt so dry spiritually that you were nearly combustible? Living through a time of trial, under pressure from other people, circumstances may be ripe for a wildfire to tear through your life and leave charred remains. David was in the desert wilderness, being pursued by a one-time trusted person (Saul or David's own son Absalom) when he admitted to knowing what it feels like to be close to combustible.

"O God, you are my God; earnestly I see you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water" (Psalm 63:1). 

Texans and those who have come to their aid are fighting their parched problems with all they have to throw at it from the ground and from the air. David didn't just take the heat either; he threw the power of God back at it.

Because he knew God's steadfast love is "better than life:"
  • he sought to know God ... in the midst of his drought
  • he worshiped God for who He is ... not deterred by his problems
  • he thought about God in dark desert moments  ... in bed, alone
  • he meditated on God's truth in times of temptation ... in the "watches of the night"

We need to cling to something. If you feel like you're "clinging" by a thread to the life God wants for you, follow David's example in the parched land:  "My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me" (v.8). 

Like David, you'll find living water for your parched throat ... so you can praise God. You'll find a shady place of shelter ... under the shadow of God's "wings." When we're under attack, we can focus on God's steadfast love instead of the heat of life. Don't give in and combust, friend! Before we get to a dangerous place, let's let God satisfy our dry souls. 

Why combust when we can cling?

Take a step to satisfy your thirst today: 
  • Take time to read Psalm 63 aloud.
  • Make a list of the words David used to describe God in Psalm 63.
  • Listen to praise music that will speak to your spirit.
  • Carry a water bottle ... as a reminder that the answer to your thirst is right at hand.


  1. Wonderful post Julie. It is wonderful to know when we are ready to "combust" we can drinking in the living water of Christ. Thank you for this reminder.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement today Julie!


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