Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Top 5 School (& Life) Supplies

I sent the kids off today with checks to pay the (many) fees,  binders full of paper, a planner :), and a packed lunch.  I want them to feel prepared. I want them to have confidence. Okay ... honestly, I want to go with them!  :)  But the most important things they need to be prepared for whatever they'll face aren't the visible things.  And I know I'm not the most important thing they need either.

As I'm concentrating on a good launch of a new school year this week, I find the supplies they need to take to their 2000+ student high school are the same ones I need to take with me wherever I am during my day. After several days of reading syllabi, signing forms, and checking supply lists, I think these 5 "items" are the top items to take to school ... or anywhere ... where we need to be prepared for life and have confidence.

5 School & Life Supplies
1)  God is with me in every place. (Joshua 1:9)
2)  God watches over me at all times. (Psalm 121:3-4)
3)  God hears me when I call to Him. (Jeremiah 29:12)
4)  God gives me the path I need to follow.(Psalm 119:104-106)
5)  God blesses me as I obey Him. (Psalm 1:1-3)

There are certain things you can't "go to life" (or school) without. It doesn't matter if you're in a huge public high school, a small private school, or a home school. These supplies for life give us confidence. I'm praying that, as the day unfolds for the 2 people who are growing up before my eyes, they'll remember these "supplies for life" as they encounter people and situations on their own.

I'm not going to be with my kids for every doubt or question or challenge they face. And I won't have a Jeff or a "gal pal" with me in every challenge I face. But God will be with me, watching, hearing, guiding, and blessing.  That gives ME confidence!  

  • If you have growing kids, what is a "must have" you're giving them for confidence? 
  • And how about you? 
  • What "life supply" gives you the most confidence?


  1. Love this list of life's necessary supplies, Julie! Our daughter is out of school with one year of college under her belt. She's decided to work for a semester before taking the next step in her journey. I've committed to sharing a quick scripture verse with her daily, via text message. Knowing God's Word is crucial to making good decisions! Have a beautiful week. God bless!

  2. Julie@comehaveapeaceAugust 17, 2011 at 8:01 PM

    That's a great idea Maria. It's an excellent reminder that we can still encourage and bless our kids "from a distance" in different ways. No doubt your commitment will bear much fruit in your daughter's life!


I love to hear your comments. Thanks for sharing and taking time to respond, give feedback, offer ideas, etc. Love hearing from you!