Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tasty Tuesday ... The Breakfast Cheat Sheet

I'm already in the breakfast danger zone ...the "Just grab something from the pantry" zone. We have such noble intentions, but things like AP homework projects, sports practices, meetings, illness, and human limitations often leave us with minutes on the clock and longings for Saturday mornings. Throw in a morning meeting, an early Bible study group, or a missed alarm, and you just might be tempted to skip your "break  +  fast" altogether. I'm guilty of that. You?

What we have for breakfast is so cultural. We've had tomatoes, chicken, rice, beans, blood sausage, and corn for breakfast ... to name a few items from around the world. Breakfast really is so important, because we are truly "breaking our fast;" our body is dehydrated and hungry after our night of sleep. We need to kick start our metabolism and get nutrients flowing. Research shows that someone who eats a good breakfast is more likely to eat well the rest of the day, concentrate better, have improved physical coordination, and be more creative. Sounds great! So what do we eat?

I want to share my Breakfast Cheat Sheet with you, including a few ideas from some of you! As good as these options are, it still helps to:
  • have ingredients on hand for healthy options ... which means you plan ahead
  • make decisions before time runs out ... the night before is ideal
  • show off healthy ideas ... put items on the counter to draw in the hungry natives (or lure your SELF to stop and nourish)
  • and if all else fails ... grab an apple, smear it with peanut butter, and dip it in some oatmeal :)

If you find yourself feeling like you're in a long, dark tunnel of Corn Flakes or toast, don't despair. Check out my Breakfast Cheat Sheet and look forward to your mornings again! Print one out for your fridge, tape it inside your cabinet, or put one with your grocery list.  And I have to ask ... what did you have for breakfast this morning? ;)
Breakfast Cheat Sheet


  1. Thank you!  Thank you!  

    I get so "uncreative" when it comes to meals...could that mean that I'm skipping too many breakfasts?  To be honest, I like the idea of improved physical coordination best!  :)  I could use a bit more of that!

    I have been enjoying your posts for quite awhile now and should have been telling you before this what a positive voice you have been in my day.  I appreciate you very much!

    :) Jodi

    P.S.  Do you happen to a Lunch Cheat Sheet that you will be sharing in a future post?  

  2. Oh, Jodi, thank you for your encouraging words. I'm so glad the Cheat Sheet is a help for you and that you're reading here at CHP and being encouraged! That's the hope of my heart. It's nice to have "permission" to cheat every now and then. ;) And a lunch cheat sheet is a GREAT idea! Maybe that will be for September. :)

    Julie Sanders


  3. Hmmm... now that you ask, I'm pretty sure I skipped breakfast in the midst of getting food ready for a crying baby and a hungry 3 and 5 year old literally jumping up and down and following me around the kitchen asking for breakfast. ;) Thanks for the practical encouragement to take better care of myself AND my family! :)

  4. I need to add to that list!!! Special breakfast for moms of young kids .... just crawl around and eat what's on the floor when the kids are done. There's sure to be some protein in there. ;)

    Julie Sanders



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