Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Last Birthday Week Winner!

I have to use to choose winners for giveaways, because I could NOT choose. I loved reading the testimonies this weekend of how God has provided good things in our lives. Thanks for praising Him with me.  

As I've watched the power of Hurricane Irene along the East Coast of the US this weekend, I've thought about how obvious God's power is. With such force and even destruction, sometimes people wonder how a good God can allow painful events. The Psalms declare both His power and His blessing. The truth of His word helps us know His character.

Psalm 119:68 "You are good and do good."

God IS good and does good things.

The winner of the final "Birthday Week" giveaway is Mary of The Calm of His Presence. How fun for me to send this gift to Mary!  She is one of the many good things God has given to me through blogging. I would love to give every reader a copy of the One Year Book of Psalms! We'll wrap up the Psalms Study with a few more highlights from the "Song book of the People of God" this week. 

Blessings to you for a sweet Lord's day. We have many reasons to worship Him today, 


  1. What a wonderful surprise to see I won the One Year Book of Psalms! Thank you so much my friend! You have been a blessing to me as well!

  2. Yes, I am excited. :) Just email me your mailing address, and I'll get a fun package on its way to you!

    Julie Sanders



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