Thursday, August 11, 2011

Having a hard time trusting?

Yesterday I realized I'm having a hard time trusting. I had just dropped Jacob off at the pool ... on his own, and JoHanna was taking the car to drive herself to practice. In what feels like such a short time, my kids have become so independent. I'm trying to sound upbeat when they leave and say, "Have fun! Be careful" with a smile ... but inside I want to shout, "Come back!" A new season has arrived for me ...

We can never "cover all the bases" to avoid mishaps, pain, and problems. Jeff is in India ... I'm trusting he'll return safely. Both of the kids will be in high school next week ... I'm trusting they'll choose friends wisely and be safe in a crowded high school. Our oldest is driving off on her own, daily. Every time of life requires trust. How are you having to "trust" in your season? 

New seasons and unexpected events stretch our trust. "Princes" of the Old Testament are leaders of governments today. So many who put their faith and trust in human leaders are reeling with the recent plunge of the financial markets and the conflict in governments around the world. They're men just like us.

Ultimately we can only put our trust in God. Only He can carry that load.

Psalm 146 shares a key statement, a command, with all of the last Psalms in the book: 146-150. "Praise the Lord!" It comes from the Hebrew word "Hallelu - yah," with the "yah" referring to Jehovah, the one true God. After declaring the intention to praise the one true God as long as he lives, the Psalmist gives us a warning and then the reasons behind it.(Read the 10 verse Psalm 146 here.)

Warning: "Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish" (vv.3-4).

Reasons why God is worthy of trust:  He is creator, provider, liberator, and healer, the God who is perfect, just, compassionate, enduring, perfect, and holy. (vv.5-10)

"Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God" (v.5). He is our help and our hope. God is worthy of our trust.
  • Unlike man ... There IS salvation in God.
  • Unlike man ... His breath will never depart from Him.
  • Unlike man ... He will never become dust.
  • Unlike man ... His plans will never perish.
The one who deserves our trust deserves our praise. If you trust Him, praise Him!

I'm feeling stretched by the way life is changing and the events of the week. I know You deserve to be trusted, and I want to put my confidence in You. Thank you for being my help and my hope, someone I can totally depend on. Whew! That feels better.


  1. Thank you for your posts-they are always informative, inspirational, and helpful. I love reading your posts everyday. Can I ask you to pray for me? My husband and I have both been unemployed for over 2 years. We have some strong job prospects now but I am having such a hard time accepting the the only firm job offer I have that offers me a salary of 50% less than what I made. I am trying and praying so hard to be humble and grateful, but I feel so bad about myself-I keep thinking all my hard work at university, for my Master's degree, all my running around travelling and professional experience-none of it counts. The  job offer takes me way back-to what I made right out of college many years ago. Please pray for me that I may come to accept this if it is God's will or that I will find another opportunity that uses my skills and experience with a more decent pay. Thank you.

  2. I'll definitely be praying for you, for provision of the right jobs and for peace as it unfolds. I know it is so hard to go on waiting and pursuing possibilities. Don't be discouraged. I'll ask the Lord with you to make it clear how He wants to provide and to give you confidence in what decisions to make. Much peace, friend. I will keep your name in my prayer journal.

    Julie Sanders


  3. Jul, thank you for the great reminder of truth -" ultimately, we can only put our trust in God.   Only He can carry that load."  I want to trust Him more.  His word is so rich with truth and comfort.  I need more of it :-)  Love and blessings,  Jenny C.

  4. Then I'm in good company. I need more of it too.

    Julie Sanders



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