Friday, August 19, 2011

4 Reasons to Smile!

In case you're not smiling at the moment, I want to give you 4 reasons you should be! A smile is often a sign of a peaceful spirit.

Reason #1 ~
A little over a year ago, I joined a team of Bible teaching bloggers on to form the Scripture Dig team. Today we're unveiling a new look at the Dig website. Hop over to see the "fresh face" and find out where we'll be digging in weeks to come.

Reason #2 ~ 
Next week is my birthday!!! Sadly, I am confused most of the time about how old I'll be ... but I think it's 43. I'm not hung up on telling my age. So there 'ya have it. :)  To celebrate God's great gift of life, I'll be doing a giveaway every day next week!  WooHoo!  Be sure not to miss a day. It will be easy to enter, and the giveaways will include the personal, the beautiful, the tasty, and the encouraging!  If you don't subscribe to daily emails, do that at the top of the actual blog page, so you don't miss out. I like the tradition many cultures have of giving gifts to OTHERS on your birthday, so .... Happy Birthday to ME!

Reason #3 ~ 
Does this sound familiar?
  • "I don't like this."  (Or the variation:  "I'm done. I don't want anymore.")
  • "There are starving children in Africa who would be glad to eat that."
  • "You can send it to Africa."
Familiar???? :) From your childhood?  From your own lips?
Well, now you can save money you would've spent on having more than you needed to serve or on serving more "special" foods than necessary and ... really send it to Africa. Read this post from Vernon Brewer of World Help as he was actually IN the Dadaab Refugee Camp yesterday. In the last 90 days over 30,000 children have died. You can make tomorrow or next Saturday (or both) be a day when you give out of your abundance to ease suffering in Africa. Tomorrow is an S.O.S. day!  Somalia on Saturday is a day to think, pray, give and really do something for "those starving children in Africa."  Will you S.O.S. with me?

Somali Mother Arrives at Dadaab from World Help on Vimeo.
So smile because you are not starving, and smile because God is hearing their cries, including many believers in their midst, and many people are thinking, praying, and giving to help meet the needs.

Reason #4 ~

That's a great reason to smile!


  1. Amen!  Smiling at your post and your heart.  Love, Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

  2. Happy birthday!

  3. Thank you Lynn! God is good. :)

    Julie Sanders


  4. Happy early birthday, my dear friend! Sending much love and a hug (and a diet Dr Pepper!) your way!
    Sweet blessings
    Cindy :)

  5. So glad to have "stumbled" across your blog...and to have discovered Scripture Dig!  Just spent some time looking around - and so enjoyed it!  Looking forward to digging it:)  and Happy Birthday!!

  6. I'm so glad you "stumbled" too! :)  Thanks for the birthday wishes, and I'll look forward to knowing you at CHP and at the Dig!

    Julie Sanders


  7. Happy Birthday! You have a nice blog.


  8. Thank you and thank you ;)

    Julie Sanders



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