Friday, July 29, 2011

What Psalm 39 looks like

A friend wrote to me about my post on Psalm 39. She said: "I'm so glad you wrote this blog, but what now?" Good question, and I won't leave you hanging, because God doesn't leave us hanging.

On a flight to Paraguay this summer, somewhere over the Amazon jungle, the pilot's voice came out of the night's darkness and made a loud announcement. Flight attendants moved quickly up the aisle. People tightened seat belts. I waited for the English translation. It never came. I wanted to scream, "Wait! I don't speak Portuguese!  What did he say? Don't you want me to know!?!?!!?" 

Apparently, the pilot only wanted the Brazilians to know, ;) but God wants us ALL to know the answer to "What now?" When we realize we're suffering and we need to cry out, He wants us to know what to do. He offers us answers, and He wants us to understand ... in every language, every circumstance, every season, every agony. He wants us to know.

I am digesting a Psalm that I think gives us the answer to "What now?"  It's Psalm 139, and I will share about it soon, but you can read ahead. God might just whisper to you in His own Spirit's still, small voice what it means without me ever racing down the blog aisle with the translation. :) I'll be studying and considering, and you do the same. He gives us answers.

For today, I want to share a visual with you of what Psalm 39 brought to my mind. It's out of my own devotional journal, and it's an illustration of how I think Psalm 39 applies for us today.  If it connects with you, please feel free to pass it on. The worse the news in our lives and in the world around us, the more it points us to God.


  1. Julie, this is your drawing?? You are amazing!! My goodness, are you gifted! I had no idea! Thanks for sharing!
    Cindy :)

  2. I will find out where it is and mail it to you. Land Between didn't come from me, but I've read it, and it's great. Address? Love you back. ;)

    Julie Sanders


  3. I'm a "closet artist." It started when doodling in "big church" as a little kid. Helps me put truth to life! :)

    Julie Sanders



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