Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tasty Tuesday ... Cilantro Grilled Mahi Mahi

 I should make fish more often, but somewhere along the way I think I told myself, "I don't know how to cook fish well." Not true! Preparing fish is really not hard, and every time I "dive in" and try it, I'm always glad I did. 

Last week, I noticed mahi mahi was on sale, so I decided to pick up a piece and bring a little "beach" home to our house. We also had a bunch of cilantro that wanted to be used, so we decided to use the 2 to create something yummy. JoHanna did a little checking and found some suggestions for how to cook the fish, and we ended up with an awesome, "couldn't be easier" combination!

Cilantro Grilled Mahi Mahi

I started with about 1 1/2 lbs of fish - perfect for 2 adults and 2 teens. I cut the filet into 4 pieces, washed it gently under cold water, and patted it dry.

Next, roughly, but kind of finely, chop a handful of fresh cilantro rinsed and patted dry. JoHanna is growing cilantro in her garden this summer; it self-seeds when it flowers, so you have cilantro all season long and, hopefully, next summer too. If you don't like cilantro (It has a very distinct flavor, and some people just don't like it ... that's ok!) I think this would also be a great method with rosemary or oregano or dill.  Pick the herb you like, or make a combination!

At this point, I took a medium cast iron pan and covered the bottom with olive oil, bringing it to medium (not high) heat. As it heats, season each side of the fish with a little black pepper and sea salt. Press chopped cilantro all over one side of the fish. Place the fish, cilantro side down, into the pan, and let it get browned and slightly crispy. While it's cooking, turn on your grill and let it come to a hot temp (about 350-400 degrees).

Place the mahi mahi on the grill, cilantro side up. Let it grill about 5 minutes, without turning or moving, and then flip it gently and allow it to grill on the other side, about 3-4 minutes. It's done when it cuts/flakes easily, but you don't want it to fall apart and end up as a burnt offering.

We served this with fresh green beans, tomatoes, baby red potatoes, and french bread. It was so easy and healthy. Next time I say I'm not very good at making fish, would you remind me about the mahi mahi? 

Have you been inspired by a fresh ingredient lately to try something new in your kitchen?


  1. Jul, don't own a cast iron skillet, will a non-stick skillet work too?  Also, if you don't finish on the grill, would you finish by baking in the oven???  I like fish too, but am also unsure how to prepare it.  Thanks!  Jenny C.  (We love steamed, spiced shrimp which is easy and turns out great - maybe another Tasty Tues???),

  2. Definitely. Use the non-stick skillet, and you could absolutely finish it in the oven. I would bake it at about 375 until it's flaky, maybe about 9 minutes?   Shrimp sounds like a great TT! :)


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