Thursday, July 21, 2011

Got Milk? Haiti needs it ...

Dear sweet readers,

I was sitting in the airport recently, watching images of starving children on a tv. I felt sick and overwhelmed, and it brought tears to my eyes over the cheeseburger I shared with JoHanna. Have you ever felt that way? I wanted to do something.

The images reminded me of an email I received from a ministry I've partnered with in the past - World Help. Noel Brewer Yeatts wrote to let me know about the need to raise $7,200 to provide baby formula for a year for a children's home in Haiti. Danita Estrella ministers at the home as a place of rescue for children who have little hope.

Today we are blessed with technology letting us see what's happening around the world, but the awareness begs our response. I realize that this blog is a resource I have. I want to be a good steward of it and "use" it well. As women who are lovers of God, what we learn demands our response. The images I saw made me want to give something to help, but how do we give safely and effectively today? Noel's invitation to join her in the Haiti "Got Milk?" project is a great way to meet a need.

My goal is to inspire at least 9 other people to give $20 toward the Got Milk? project. If 10 of us give $20, that's $200 towards the goal. The project lasts until August 15. That's right before my birthday (the 24th)! :)  I know a few of you out there who might share a lunch or treat with me for my birthday, so can I make a request? Would you donate towards "Got Milk?" instead, and that will be my birthday joy??? :) Would you help me raise $200?

Not everyone has $20 to give. Sometimes buying milk at home is a challenge. If this isn't a good time for you to give, would you pray that those who have resources to give might be aware and respond generously? Your gift of prayer is a blessing to me, but more importantly, to Danita and the children in Haiti.

Thanks so much for hearing some of my heart and for joining me in one way or another to show God's love to children in our hurting world. Wouldn't it be great for the world to see how the love of God's people overflows and then want to know our God?

GO HERE to learn more at my World Help fundraising page and help meet the need. 



  1. You're welcome Kalyn. I was so glad to be invited to join World Help and to know about a great way to do something to show Christ's love.Thanks for joining me!

    Julie Sanders



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