Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Flash Forward

We made it in time for camp registration on Monday afternoon. JoHanna and I helped Jacob carry his luggage, instruments, amp, etc into his dorm room. We read the name of his roommate on the door, along with his hometown. I immediately looked for the counselor's room. I was relieved to see it was the room next to Jacob's.

We unloaded his things. He got the top bunk. He had a desk with his orientation notebook on it. The room was so empty.

After we met the roommate and his mom, helped Jake make his bed (with a little prodding on my part), and scanned his schedule for the week of worship camp, it was time to go. He grabbed his room key and meal pass to walk us out to the car before going to the cafeteria at our alma mater, Cedarville University. It was a FLASH FORWARD.

It won't be long before our oldest finishes high school and is followed by our youngest. Just like an unusually warm day in spring, it signals a coming season change.

The Holy Spirit reminded me of the words of Ephesians 5:15-17. Walk as wise, not unwise, and redeem the time. A "flash forward" is a blessing, forcing me to think ahead about how to spend precious time, how to make the most of each day.

I'll admit it. I had the urge to throw my arms around my now taller-than-me son and cry, "Don't grow up!" But I resisted, and I'm sure he's really glad. ;) And I'm thankful for the momentary "flash forward" that will linger long with me and remind me to make the most of each day.

I'm praying that you'll get the blessing of a "flash forward" today, too, and that each of your days will be lived to be redeemed fully! So glad God promises us His Holy Spirit to guide and help us in doing that.

Smiling at what's "forward," (Prov. 31:25)


  1. Ack! This made my heart feel a little motion sick with the speed we are flying through life... thank you for this little glimpse of your flash forward. Hope he has a wonderful and meaningful week at worship camp!

  2. It was a really good week for him, and as the "faucet of sharing" continues to drip, I'm whispering many prayers of thanks for how God used the experience in Jacob's life. I feel a little like I'm holding a sand timer, watching the sand run through.

    Julie Sanders


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