Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This time next week ...

This time next week, I'll be in Asia! You'll notice that "Tasty Tuesday" is without a recipe today, because I am realizing that I have a lot to do to get ready to leave. I want to give you a little info about why I'm heading off to Asia, and later this week I'll share some prayer requests, if you would want to join me in prayer.  I would so appreciate your prayers with and for us!

I'm going with a team of 6 to work with our national partners. This sweet couple spent some time staying in our home last fall, and Jeff has been with them in their country twice. Jeff will not be going with me this time; he is my most favorite travel partner! :) He will be holding down the fort here at home, and I will arrive back home just in time for the kids' final exams.

Our team will be working in an orphanage (more about that later) and in two village churches that have been established by our partners and their ministry. We leave on Saturday morning .... which means I have just a few days to finish preparing for my specific ministries "there" and to make life's load lighter "here" for my fam.

Between now and then I have the privilege of speaking to a MOPS group and of sharing in chapel with my sweet ladies of Serenity Shelter. I would really covet your prayers for wise use of my time, keeping priorities what they need to be, and being filled with the fruit of the Spirit in the process. No one here wants a "mean mommy," a "wild wife," or a "cranky Christian" JUST BECAUSE she's getting ready for a missions trip. ;)  How's that for irony?

Looking forward to sharing more with you this week ... but off to tackle the jobs of getting ready!


  1. Father, I ask that you adorn Julie with a spirit of your wisdom,love and strength to do all things with excellence as she prepares to leave her family and serve your people in Asia. I pray she will arrive full of your Spirit and return with a double portion of all she pours out. In Jesus Name! Deborah - NC

  2. Lifting you up in prayer, Julie! Philippians 4:13


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