Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tasty Tuesday ... What's your taste?

One of the benefits of traveling is discovering what different regions consider "their food." Food is part of culture and speaks to some of what makes life there what it is.

I was beyond excited when I found out we were in Asia when the mangoes were ripe. When we arrived at the home of our hosts, I could barely stop myself from eating the entire plate of fresh mango that one of the boys brought in for us. The kids climbed a tree and picked them to slice and serve for our arrival. Is it possible for a mango to melt in your mouth??? Yes, I say it is. :)

Another part of our journey took us to a border crossing and lunch at a riverside restaurant. Can you blame me for giving in to my curiosity and ordering "Giant Fish of the Mekong" to share with a friend? I was dying to see the "Giant Fish," expecting it to be delivered on the back of a truck and hauled in with a crane. I guess they really meant "A PIECE of the Giant Fish of the Mekong." :) 

So in the spirit of Tasty Tuesdays, what do YOU serve that's unique to where you live?


  1. Both were very tasty indeed!! :) Looking forward to hearing what you ate in Paraguay.
    Linda R.

  2. I'm sure Jack told Jeff our story about "Lobster Train Wreck" when we went to Italy--too funny :)

  3. Sounds delicious ....?m  :)

    Julie Sanders www.comehaveapeace.blogspot.com


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